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Whats wrong with me ?

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Last time I cried was 5 years ago when my grand-father died. Since then, lots of events happened where a normal person would have cried. My grand-mother died 3 years ago, I had no reaction other then being confused for a couple of minutes. My cat died today, I had spent my teenage years with him, he was only 6 years old. It didnt bring a single tear to my eyes. Same thing again, I was confused for 1-2 mins and thats all, no emotions came out of me... Is this normal ?



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How is your personality in general? How were you raised? Were you taught that you had to be strong and not to show emotions? That it is weak? Are you naturally distant and reluctant to let things out?


People handle pain in different ways. Just because you don't cry much doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong. But crying is a natural thing and is good for us to do at times.


Could it be that you are afraid that if you let yourself cry and be emotional, you won't know how to control them. You fear being too emotional and not wanting to confront certain things, so you shut yourself down.

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We each handle death in our own ways. My grandfather died at the beginning of last month, and I didn't cry at all. My sister's boyfriend died 2 weeks later, and I knew him pretty well, but I didn't cry at that point either. It doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you, but just that you handle the pain of loss differently. I clam up. That's how I handle it. Other people cry. That's how they handle it. So don't worry about it.

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