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why do all girls have to think of me as a best friend??


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i have a lot of female friends. but thats the problem. thats the only thing girls seem to recognize about me. im a nice dude, and can talk with someone for hours. maybe thats the problem tho... i dont kno... maybe its the way i act or something... i dont mind being a girls best friend, but i WOULD like to get into a relationship with someone that i like. i know for a fact that im not unattractive, but i guess it has to do with how i act around girls that makes them think of me as a friend. can anyone help me out with this?

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well i wouldn't worry about it then. When you find the right girl that you like, you will know to ask her out and then no problem. i would consider yourself LUCKY -most guys your age (or any age for that matter hehe) know how to be close friends with girls. it'll be a HUGE advantage in the long run.

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How about you come right out and ask your girls that are friends their advice on what to do about your dilemma. This accomplishes two things, it lets them know that you are looking for a girlfriend and you get some advice from some friends. Who knows how those two things might combine.


Some possible problems I've seen as a guy in the same boat as you too often:


- being too accomodating, adjusting yourself to be compatible with women instead of just being a man, liking man stuff, and not apologizing for it and being happy with yourself as you are. (being confident about yourself)


- not declaring your intentions from the start. i.e. being flirty/funny, being witty and playful and. (be honest about what you want)


- stop acting like a girlfriend (don't be too empathetic)


- stop caring what the girl thinks of you so much, whether she accepts or rejects you is not your problem, it's hers. And your attitude should be that it's her loss if she lets you go. (don't be too sensitive)




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hah! I can only relate my friend. I am the brother for most of the girls I meet. and it can definitely be annoying at times, however, no worries my friend. You are 14 years old and already thinking about stuff like this. Basically like it was said earlier, be confident with yourself. Don't stop being their friend all together, but also show that you like to do your own things. You are sure to find someone you will like, and when you do you will know it... and when that moment arrives it will only be that much better. Good luck my friend.

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Girls dig guys with confidence. Confident guys ask a girl they are interested out, while non confident guys hint. If you find yourself hinting to girls you like, and hanging around them all of the time without ever making the attempt until it's way too late, then your actions are showing you as not being very confident. Start asking and stop hinting.


If you want more detail, please follow this link:



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