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I Left Last Nihgt...Mom Found Me 6 Hours Later. ?Opinions?

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Hey, Ok...I babysat four little kids (my regular) last night and my brothers. I was not happy cause my bros were there and they are little bastrds. My mom, dad, and the mothers of the kids...along wiht one of their boyfriends and 2 other frinds returned at about 2:30AM. My mom and dad like to drink and get drunk. I HATE IT. I am normally never home when they get drunk. But yesterday I HAD to watch my bros so they came with me to the people's house I babysitt for. When everyone returned they were all drunk. When my mom gets drunk she gets CRAZY and when my dad is drunk he is "NICE" (he is normally mean, stubborn and angry). When they all came home me and my brothers were still up. I was half asleep on the couch and my bros were wathing movies and eating junk. Then they got all hyper and the hole house was like a mad house. Everyone was druink and laughing and falling over and beer bottles everywhere and phone ringing. I got up put on my runners and grabed my coat then headed for the door. I left. I intended to go for a short walk...but I eneded up going all the way around the town and ended up sleeping from about 4-5 in the Post Office! When sun arose I walked around.I went to the restaurants that were open bright and early and hung around in the bathroom's. I kept on walking back and forth from the warm Post Office to the Warm Restaurants. When more stores started to open up I browsed around very slowly inside of them. I finally caleed my best frind to see if she wanted to hang out but my mom had already called her house and told her mom everything. When I called my frind said she would come meet me but instead her mom called my mom and my mom came to the mall. My mom saw me and damanded "GET OVER HERE! NOW!" We got back to the house and all she did was ask where I was and what I was thinking and why I left.

I have reasons to theese questions they are simply: I walked around and fell asleep in the Post Office, I left cause the house was a zoo and I was sick of it, and I was thinking some fresh air and excersise would ALSO do me some good.

I am not trying to prove a point here. I am basically just asking what your opinion on this is. I don't want my mom always being drunk. I can't control that I know. But now I regret doing that. I have lost my babysitting job and my isn't speaking to me!

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One bad decision doesn't deserve another. You parents were/are wrong to come home drunk all the time. It is irresponsible. And I understand you needing to get out to clear your head and breathe. But you should have come home. You put yourself in danger. Sleeping out in the open and meandering through town... is NOT a productive thing to do, nor is it going to solve the issue.


I think a conversation is in order of how you feel. You should tell your mother how you feel about them coming home drunk. That their entertainment is putting a strain on YOU. You have a job to do... a babysitting job. Baby sitting other peoples children and your brothers was "too" much. Having both your parents come home drunk was also not very reassuring.


I don't know how your decision to go out and about caused you to lose your job.. but maybe you owe those people an appology. Show them that you are responsible. Or maybe you lost your babysitting job because your parents won't let you sit for your brothers as well as other peoples children. Is there a way to "negotiate" with your parents???? They allow you to babysit and the go out on your schedule. You are only trying to be responsible and earn some money so that you can be a little more... indpendant.


You really need to talk to your mom.. and clear the air. Before you both drift too far appart and more misunderstandings. Not a good thing. Get it on the table...and start working on ground rules that everyone can live with.

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