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Took 4 tests and all are neg


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Hi, just wondering, my gf is 15 im 16 and she is late on her period for 3 weeks.


I know we should go to doctors, but were gona wait for the next month to come to see if it just skipped, if not, then we start to find a doctor.


My question is, does anyone know if the hpt works with everyone, even young ages. ive heard about the hcg not being picked up in young girls..


How late is normal for a period..


Ive read the signs of pregnancy, and she has had none.. its just late..


If she could just get her period we would be so much better, and we wouldnt worry so much.

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The pregnancy test will work at her age. Especially if she is three weeks late, it should be pretty accurate by now. If the test is negative, it is most likely that she is not pregnant.


Young women have notoriously irregular periods. I've even known girls that skip a month and then have their period the next month.


If you really absolutely don't trust the pregnancy tests then see a doctor for a blood test.

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If she is that late and taken that many tests which prove negative, she is not pregnant. Tests will work at her age as pregnancy hormones are the same for her as they would be for someone else.


She may be late due to stress or just hormone fluctuations that are normal at this age.

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All a home pregnancy test does, is detect the presense of the hormone hCG (pregnancy hormone) in the urine. Age wouldn't play a role in whether or not it was present - if she was pregnant, most likely the first test would be positive.


Young women generally do have irregular cycles. It's not abnormal at all, but if she's truly worried about it, she should be seeing a doctor.

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