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Troubles.. I really need help here

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Okay well. I have this problem. It's kind of hard to explain so please stay with me.

Anyways, My boyfriend has a weird way of showing affection. I mean at sometimes when he's feeling a little soft, he'll tell me how much he loves me and all that jazz. And of course then I really seem to believe him. But then... sometimes it seems like he could care less. And when I GET those feelings that he could care less, I ask him, if he really loves me. He starts saying "I love you more than -anything- please believe me!" And all of that, you know what I mean. But like tonight. I called him at 8:30, which is when he wanted me to. And I was really looking forward to talking to him, because I really --really-- think alot of him. And I got this reply, "Well how about I call you back later, I'm watching a special on Muscle cars." and I'm thinkin -Um. Jee thanks.- I didnt say that though, I just said "Oh..Ok" And of course, it's been almost 3 hours and he hasn't called. Idk if I'm overreacting, or something, but seriously I need to know what to do here. Any advice accepted... thanks

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Gosh I hate these games. Most young guys like to do the manly manly thing and chase. So... maybe not being so available and turning the tables on him. He tells you to call at 8pm.... don't call. When he calls tell him you are in the middle of something.. you'll call him back. Then don't. But don't stew over it. Go out with your GF's and have fun. Put a bit of distance between you and don't be at his beck and call. And he'll probably chase.


If he gets upset about you NOT being available then tell him. Look... you told me to call you on such and such night. I did. You had something more important to do. So Don't I desrve the same courtesy???

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Thank you so much... You've been a big help.


I'll try to do exactly what you said. But I mean.. I don't think he gets that he actually HURT me when he blew me off for a TV show.. and didn't call. That didn't go too well...

One thing that happened. Last night, I asked him straight up, "Are you seriously liking me here? I just really want to know before I get too caught up in you and you don't love me or anything" And it went into a big discussion, and this guy, he's tough you know. He's not one to cry, even whimper. And I heard that boy CRYING. It was a quiet cry, he didn't want me to know, but I heard. I asked him why. He said, "Just because my own gf doens't think I love her"

I don't know what to think (?)

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I agree with Shadow (I always agree with you sweetie! haha!)...


Guys, I have noticed (I'm not being sterotypical, but in my experience!) quite often take their gfs for granted... well, mine does.. hehe... and they think that you are always going to be there, so they don't care about their actions and how they affect you...


Try what Shadow said, I am pretty certain it will work!

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