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hi, my name is whatfor and i am a chocoholic

Well i find myself eating a lot of chocolate, every day, and it gives me energy, sometimes i cant seem to feel alive if i dont eat it.

Also there are certain things missing in my life right now so i know its like im eating chocolate instead to make my mind happy. But im trying to stop since today.. cause i feel like its affecting my weight.

Anyone has a problem with chocolate??? Addiction?

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YES! Well, I don't know - but I have. A few years ago after halloween I was eating chocolate bars every day, cause I had em, and I loved em, and there was nothing stopping me. When I ran out of my halloween candy, I couldn't live without it. I bought candy bars everyday, sometimes a few. I gained weight, and it was making me sluggish and I started to feel kind of gross. Anyway, I couldn't just stop. I know it sounds stupid, but I had to just plain cut back. And eventually I stopped eating chocolate all together, except for special occasions of course. Like for me, I always ate it at certain times in the day, like snacks. I started eating fruit instead, because I still got the suger - and it felt good, and it's healthy! My advice - start eating apples - mmmm...natural sugers. lol. Anyway, theres my story. Hope that helps! =)

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I think chocolate has a chemical in it that makes you feel happy and in love. It will not affect your weight as long as you either only eat a small amount or put it in your daily intake of calories. Like if you only eat about X amount of calories...then you need to cut out something. But just eat only a small amount a day. Maybe only 100 calories worth as a treat.


I'm not addicted to chocolate. Never been a chocolate lover...unless it is white chocolate. Yum! But I only eat it every once and awhile. Too much makes me sick. Like even a candy bar is too much sugar.


Tangerines and oranges (have to be sweet) are my weakness right now. I will eat one to two oranges a day.

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Yes chocolate does have something that makes you feel good and happy, forgot what its called.

And no i dont eat that much food daily anyways. But still, chocolate has fat and all that and im getting there Emma (feeling gross) lol. Well just the fact that im addicted makes me feel gross.

And yes i try to eat fruit instead... but when i do eat fruit i still feel like i need chocolate, cause chocolate is still different.

Today i ate only vegetables and fruit, but to the end of the day i started feeling like i need IT. Well i ended up buying a small roll with a bit of chocolate cream inside. Feeling satisfied right now

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I find if things like chocolate are in the house I'll eat them. If they are not I won't.


So we just don't buy any chocolate, biscuits (cookies), sodas etc. Sure you can still grab them when you go out but if they are not in the house you tend not to get tempted so much.

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It contains fat...but the only reason that sorta stuff is bad for you is because it does not contain anything that is healthy. You could eat pizza (2000 calories worth) everyday and not gain a pound. Well, as long is that is all you ate. It just you would not have a balanced diet.


You know what you could do. Just buy those fun sizes of the hershey's chocolate and eat one a day if you want to eat it daily, but then just cut down to every other day then... They are only maybe 4 bites and are like 50 calories. But hershey's I've never really liked...I like Ghirardelli. Mmmmmmmm

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Substitute chocolate with something such as gum or even fruit (I know, nothing compares to chocolate...)... it's a hard habit to get into but it will help you...


Everything in moderation, or so they say!


When I was 5 my dad used to take me to work with him on the weekends and in his top drawer in his desk were HUNDREDS of chocolate bars... I mean, you'd usually find pencils and pens and stationery in the top drawer... not with dad... just CHOCOLATE!!

A few months back I found myself doing the same thing - scary!


For my sixth birthday my dad bought me a choccie bar (that wasn't my pressie, but it was a treat!) and he said "you can't have it now, I'll keep it here for later" and put it in a cupboard I couldn't reach... Next day it was gone! hahaa

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yes i guess i need to manage eating small pieces a couple of times a day.

And its not that i like any chocolate, i dont feel like eating skickers or dark chocolate for example, but feel like eating kitkat and any milk chocolate.

And now i woke up and i feel like i need this chocolate.

I wish i at least liked dark chocolate cause i read its actually good and healthy to eat it, its good for your heart, but i dont find it very tasty.


Maybe i can limit myself to 1 kitkat a day..... that shouldnt be too bad? I think i should try to eat black chocolate, its healthier and maybe when i have a bit - it will satisfy my needs for chocolate and i wont eat lots of it cause i dont like it.

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Dove makes good dark chocolate and you can buy in bags with bit sized pieces (~40 calories per piece).


It's a lot smoother taste than hershey's (which is the worst chocolate in my opinion). Anyway...I hate dark chocolate and that has been one of the few that I will eat. It just tastes better to me.


But anyway...yeah make sure to cut down.

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