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Anger at work

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Ok...I don't know if anyone can relate to this. I work in a very small non-profit office who's mandate is to help impoverished children. A very worthy cause. The trouble is not with my job but with the people!!! Since it is a very small organization, everyone walks on egg shells and no one says *CENSORED* *CENSORED* *CENSORED* *CENSORED* if there mouth were full of it. "We wouldn't want to offend anyone".


I'm going to sound like a "B from Hell" but I can't stand constant chipperness. This girl I work with is so bloody perky all the time and it doesn't take much to impress her. Every second thing she says is "Totally great. Totally fabulous, etc..."


This other guy who is in the office part-time is 25 years old going on 15. Can you believe he is a University professor?? He is a constant distraction and thinks he's funny. He'll peek around my desk and ask "what are you doing??".


I hate to sound like a grouch, but I don't like to be distracted at work and I can't even vent my feelings to anyone without feeling like I've "offended" anyone.


It's so frusterating. I realize that I can have it much worse as some people are always in a bad mood but I feel that people are so fake here and I always have to watch what I say.



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I worked at a faith-based local non-profit for the last 3 years and it was like going to church every day. People praying and praising God and hugging and holding hands. Believe me, it was not an ideal situation for me.


On the other hand, my background before that was in retail - a dozen plus years. I did miss speaking my mind and playfully giving and receiving threats of bodily harm every day, swearing in the back room at the top of my voice, etc. But I did not miss the apathy of 90% of my co-workers, underlings and bosses, or being screamed at "F-- you!" at a staff meeting for merely doing my job, or the constant drama and gossip.


Now I am in business for myself in an industry where people pay you grand compliments while hiding knives with which they intend to stab your back.


It is beautiful to work where people are behaving themselves, and you should keep that in mind.


Being such a surly bear at your job will not serve you well. It is possible that they are not being fake, but truly enjoying helping people and working in a pleasant environment.

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I did not miss the apathy of 90% of my co-workers, underlings and bosses


Whenever I start to feel like a surly bear, I always come back to this to keep me in check. I used to work in the travel industry which aged me about 80 years. I had to deal with mean cooworkers and even meaner bosses. I ended up having a breakdown and walked out on the job, so by far, this is much better.


My problem is that I that I get really moody and have been suffering from insomnia for about a month so this probably doesn't help much, lol!!


Anyway, thanks for putting it in perspective.



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If work is causing you the lack of sleep - Don't let it get to you. Try to relax at home and forget about work. I know sometimes people can be so annoying but think about working alone everyday. I know it sounds great but I do it everyday and I'm in an office everyday alone. It gets pretty boring and lonely. So even though you'd like to ring someone's neck out sometimes , remember that things could be worse! Hang in there and things will eventually get better!!!

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Thanks SLMichell918.


Some days here are great. I realize that usually when people appear annoying, they mean well.


Sometimes I think it would be a dream to work alone as I tend to be a bit introverted, however, I can see how it would get a bit lonely, although, I would prefer it to a call centre!!

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