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how do you know if he still wants to see you?


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after a date or a couple of dates, how do you know if the guy will still want to see you? how do you know if he still has any interest? how do you know if he has any intention of ever calling again?


this part leaves me anxious and worried. what if he already decided then and there? what if he's only saying "see you" or "i'll call you" just to be nice. GRRRR!


it seems like i am always waiting till the next date.

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after a date or a couple of dates, how do you know if the guy will still want to see you? how do you know if he still has any interest? how do you know if he has any intention of ever calling again?


this part leaves me anxious and worried. what if he already decided then and there? what if he's only saying "see you" or "i'll call you" just to be nice. GRRRR!


it seems like i am always waiting till the next date.




Girl, if you were in my town I would definitely take you out for a couple of drinks , or maybe several, and we could hash this one out together.


How do you know? Well, I've learned it is something you can just feel. For me, there is always something that tells me if a guy wants to see me again, whether it is his body language, how he acts on a date or even what he might say. Also, if he calls...and keeps calling...then he's interested.


Don't worry too much about it! No man is an island and you shouldn't be focusing your worries and anxieties on a man. You must focus on yourself, make yourself happy. If the guy doesn't call you...oh well, then it's his loss that he didn't recognize you for the truly amazing person that you are! Because, you are amazing, I know it sounds corny as heck, but we're all amazing in our own little ways. Plus, if you let all of your axieties and worries control you, if you analyze and ask these questions, irrespective of whether or not you ask HIM, he will be able to sense your anxiety...which is a definite turn off. Kick back, relax and enjoy the ride!!!


Read the book I PM'd you, read it over and over again until it because a part of your soul! LOL! I told ya, it helped me out tremendously...I am an anxious and worrisome person and I've totally calmed down after those books.


I wish you the best of luck! Just remember, YOU ARE AWESOME and you do not need any man to validate that part of you...hey...you might desire a man, but you do not NEED anyone.



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i agree with jadett.....its how u feel bout them , if you both conneted on the dates etc. instead of wondering whether he's interested in you and if he's guna call...u should be thinking about whether your interested in HIM . and if u are and he isnt...then his loss...just move on to the the next one. and believe me there'll def be at least one that stands out from the crowd.

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Well, you know by their actions and by the feeling they provide you. It's in their body language, the way they look at you, or act around you, when they follow through on what they say. It's abouta connection, a chemistry you have with one another that you both feel.


If they don't call you, don't seem to show interest in you and your life, don't make plans with you, then they aren't interested really. I mean they might be, but they might be only "casually interested" and still keeping their options open.


Initially, it's best not to put too much into any one person - don't be committed before their is even a commitment there. Too many people get hung up on 1st date=committed exclusive relationship. But the fact is dating is about getting to know someone, and they you, and to find out how compatible you two are together. Don't commit before you know that.


Keep yourself open to other opportunities, don't tie yourself to someone whom is demonstrating they are not interested or into you, or whom you feel has glaring incompatibilities and issues with themselves.


If he does not call or whatever, it's not the end of the world. His loss, or just the fact you are not right for one another. Don't force something that is not there.

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but like....sometimes even if the date went really well....and i was happy and comfortable.....i still go home and think "do i want to see him again?", "is he worth it?" and i think about the things i like about him or dont like about him. and im not so sure....like part of me wants to and part of me doesn't.


do guys go home and reevaluate like this too?

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