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What's with me, do I have higher testoterone level than average?

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Yea that's my question, cuz if I were to be online, the first thing in a chat room is talk about sex, or send the fine looking ones pictures on me, usualy porn. It's like I'm very different from other girls, guys can im me and we talked cyber, I don't mind, thats wut brings me online, I'm open to it. And the weird thing is I have never actually been in a real relation yet and virgin, only got 2 best guy friends and my friends but yes I do play with myself a lot in my room. Sometimes thats wut I send them, pics of me masturbating, they do the same. Porn, masturbating and cybering arouses me. So I was wondering if this normal for an 18-year old girl. Usual this wut guys do, but wut about me, I do arousing myself and porn, but I'm a girl.

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There is nothing wrong with you. I started masterbating when I was very young.. like 9 years old...(at that time i did not really KNOW what it was, it just felt good) and i love cheking out the various things on the net. I grew up with a father who was very much into the nudist lifestyle, and we've gone to many nudist parks/beaches as a family. he taught me that the body is beatiful, and to never be ashamed. I think thats why i am so open to doing the same things you do on the net. I say enjoy yourself, theres nothing wrong or odd about it. (now, prude people will think otherwise).

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What you might have is low self esteem and a need for constant validation. Some women overcompensate, as if what they have to offer is not enough, to get or keep attention. Example: sending strangers nude photos of yourself and porn. That kind of attention usually doesn't last very long or means little else. But I'm not a doctor, maybe you should talk to a professional about this.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with masturbation at all its completely normal to be exploring your body and finding out what you like before you have sex. I started exploring my body at a very young age too and believe me I am reaping the rewards now!


As long as you are not putting yourself at risk by meeting these different guys you send pictures to, to have unprotected sex then thats fine.


Just be careful that you keep this in the realm of fantasy and don't agree to meet with any of these guys as you could regret it later.

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I think your normal in terms of your sex drive...everyone has varying sex drives and yours is higher. Many women masturbate, and enjoy sexual stimulation from porn or other methods.


You don't REALLY know what other girls are like, you are assuming your sex drive is different, but you don't know for sure if it is or not, others just may also express theirs in a different way and not feel that cybering and sending strangers their pictures is a way to deal with it.


However, I am going to just say a couple things....be careful about sending out these images. You are still young, and may not be thinking of this in the long term, but these are things that can come back to haunt you in later years. On the internet, nothing is safe. And things like this can come back and haunt you in future careers, or in future relationships and so forth. And as Mun said, be also cautious of the reasons you are doing it.

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However, I am going to just say a couple things....be careful about sending out these images. You are still young, and may not be thinking of this in the long term, but these are things that can come back to haunt you in later years. On the internet, nothing is safe. And things like this can come back and haunt you in future careers, or in future relationships and so forth. And as Mun said, be also cautious of the reasons you are doing it.


I was just about to post again to warn her of the same thing RayKay.


You do have to be careful sending those kinds of images out as they could potentially be very embarrasing for you if they fall into the wrong hands, if not damaging to your future career or relationships.

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I was just about to post again to warn her of the same thing RayKay.


You do have to be careful sending those kinds of images out as they could potentially be very embarrasing for you if they fall into the wrong hands, if not damaging to your future career or relationships.


Great minds and all that....



Of course it is hard to think in this way when right now you feel as if it's perfectly fine, but people do change.


I have known a few people whom have been affected by images their PARTNERS had which were found by friends, or "lost" in a breakup...only to end up in the wrong hands.


It's great you are comfortable with your body, but also respect your body and yourself to be careful about whom you share it with

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I'm shocked to say this but I 100% agree with RayKay! You may be in a stage in life where you feel this behavior is acceptable but you are certainly risking your future.


I have advised many against sending those types of pictures to anyone or allowing them to be taped or recorded. Once they enter cyber space, you have NO control over them and how they will be used. Even if you were going to be a porn star, they can come back and hurt you. There is only a very short period of instant gratification in which this makes you feel good, think of long term.


I'm sure you are a beautiful but there are better things to share than your body. Be very careful, your present belief system could put you in a bad spot. Seeking the validation of others through this manner is very dangerous. After a while it will bore you and you will proceed to take even more riskier chances to fulfill your need of attention.

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The other day I was fixing a PC and ran accross some nude photos a girl had sent my younger brother ( he's 18..) and she had very cleverly edited out her face. If you are going to send them out you should at least protect your identity. Once you send images like that out you don't know who may end up viewing them.

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