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Feeling lost...

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....when will this feeling go away? And why does it effect every aspect of my life? I feel lost and angry and helpless.


There's moments where I'll be laying in my bed and I think of how stupid I had been for not being able to see that my ex was deceiving me and doing things behind my back. It feels like a dull pain in my stomach and there's nothing I can do to take it away. Atleast if it was a headache or something I'd be able to pop a pill and make it all better.


Just imagining him in a bar schmoozing it up with some random chick....all the while he's treating me like I'm a piece of trash. And while doing that still joking around and laughing at his ex and wishing her a happy birthday while he made my birthday absolutely miserable.


Why didn't I just listen to everyone when they told me to stay away from him? Why did I think I knew better than they did. Why did I allow him to fool me into believing all of his broken promises? Why did he do this to me? Why am I the one feeling all of this pain when I was the one that was honest and faithful when we were together? Why is HE the one that keeps hanging up on me when I'm trying to get answers? Shouldn't he be calling me to beg for forgiveness? It's so freakin' twisted!


I can't stand the way it feels. It's making me feel like there's no point to life and I just want to take something to make this go away or make myself stop feeling anything.


Why doesn't he see that what he did was so hurtful? It can't be corrected. I CAN'T FORGIVE HIM!!!


It hurts! Help....

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Hey Girl:


I haven't been on here in a while, but I am sorry to see that you are still even giving this loser the time of day. Honey, please, I beg you, change your phone # or do something to get rid of him. Remember we were in the same situation? It was the hardest thing I ever did, but I stopped all methods of contact between my ex and i, and he had NO way to hurt me again that way. I remember you said you go to church. Change your #'s, emails, any line of contact, and just get really involved with church and whatever passion you may have. I don't want to see your life destroyed by him. PLEASE do this, so he will no longer have a way to hurt you. It WILL get easier, I promise.

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Some people dont want a relationship and would rather just string people along. I think the majority of us have gone thrpough something simlar at some point. Break up are always hard, but dont blame yourself. You did nothing wrong, some people just dont belong together. When our friends and family say that somethings not right, we tend to not want to hear them and block them out because we think we know better. Your friends dont really know him like you know him. But then they end up being right and everything feels so twisted. It will get better over time. Thats the only answer to a break up, it just takes time. Dont try moving on to fast, or blaming yourself for everything. And when you look back on your relationship, try to remember the good things about it instead of the bad. Best wishes!!!!

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