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Is it normal to hate my twin brother sometimes?

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Sometimes it's fine and other times it's not. Yes we do get into fights, both verbal and physical. And yes we do beat the hell out of each other. He smacks me, I punch him, he slaps me, I kick him in the balls and kick. There was one time, I slam him so hard towards the wall and yup it hurt him like hell, he was bleeding and for sec. I though I had broken his nose, but hey I was mad as heck, he started and I respond back. This ends in both of us getting grounded, not fair, he should get grounded, it's his fault. Sometimes I even wish he wasn't here, dunno if thats normal to feel, I hate him soemtimes. I did told him in our fights, "I hate you, f### you, he say the same "So do I b#####".

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There will always be people who irritate us and make our lives miserable, but it's not who throws the first punch that counts. It's who ends it - peacefully. Reasonable people resolve their conflicts by listening to each other and talking out their problems. Everyone wants to be respected, heard, understood, appreciated, and loved. Does violence or talking 'smack' get you any of these things? Be the bigger person and walk away when things get heated, because it's pointless to resort to fighting when talking out things later is much more likely to get you both what you really want with a lot less blood.

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I think it can be completely normal to hate your siblings. Me and my older brother never got along when we were younger. I think part of it was just that we both lived in the same house and got on each others nerves. Now that he's moved out, I miss him. It's weird how your feelings will change as you get older and see each other less.


Also, I don't really think it's ok to get in to physical fights. That's not healthy for either of you. You should try to work on being able to fight without getting physical before someone really gets hurt.


And I agree with the others. You were a part of the fight. You are just as equally guilty of it as your brother is, so I suggest working on how you handle your feelings toward your brother. If you stop getting physical with him, he will stop too.

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When my elder sister and I were young we were always fighting - not so much physical but I teased her and she bossed me around, so we always yelling at each other. Later we just kind of ignored each other. When we got into our late teens we became friends and still are many years later. We have supported each other through many ups and downs, including the passing of our parents.


She and her husband were supposed to be coming to Canada from England to visit us this Christmas but just this last week she was diagnosed with breast cancer and has to have surgery next week.


I can't imagine how I would feel right now if we had continued disliking each other throughout our lives. I would have missed out on a great relationship and I would surely be feeling guilt right now that I did not become her friend as well as her brother.


She is family - and nothing is as important as family. I hope you will both come to realise that before it is too late.

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