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A guy I go to school with and I were seeing eachother for couple of months, but it was nothing serious because he said he wanted nothing serious because of school, and plus I knew he wanted nothing serious because he put that on his online profile. I was cool with that, but I still had a a lot of feelings for him. Anyway, just as things started blossoming, we had a falling out, and we went our separate ways. He never officially broke up with me; he just stopped talking to me. It really hard to deal with because I see him in school everyday. However, he still has both of my screen names on his contact list and he has not blocked me, so i don't know his deal. Anyway three months later, I was going on link removed and i saw his profile on there and now it says that he is looking for something long term. For some reason, I feel hurt and insulted . I guess I wonder why all of sudden he want something serious after we went our separate ways. What made him change his mind? Why does he bother to keep both of my screen names on his list, if he has such a problem with me (he goes online all the time, so i would think that he would delete me or block me by now). I though I was over all this BS, but now i am back to feeling depressed. How should I feel?

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He doesn't really know what he wants, that is why he is changing the rules of the game all the time. I don't know why you would wish to be interested in someone like that, I think it is just a habit.


When you think of him, think of something that makes sense that you enjoy, more than worrying about the past which you really can't control, live in the present and work toward the future.


Look for comic relief.

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hi joyfulgirl,


i think the guy u r speaking abt is not mentally focussed. by what i make out of it, he initially was interested in u but after some time he has lost interest i think. thats why he stopped talking to u etc..

dont go by false assumptions that having ur id's on his contact lists makes him interested in u. i have one gal's both id's and she has mine...but she isnt serious with me and we have talkd it over...so he may have that just to be frens with u some time in future..

my advice is: u have no reason to feel depressed right now. u were in touch with him for just arnd 2 months and thats not enuf to judge a person though u may have feelings for him. just accept the fact that he wasnt interested in u. u will definitely come accross someone who will be interested in whatever bit u do!!!




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