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What attracts a guy to a girl???

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What attracts a guy to a girl? What is it about her that makes you want to gte to kno her better? Also what qualities once u have started talking to her, attract guys more to them? Do all guys like skinny grls, I mean if she isnt skinny is that a turn off? Im just wonderin, and I kno a lot of more grls out there wonder the same thing. Thx.

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I think that everyone likes someone who stands up for herself, acts like she likes herself and other people and makes herself approachable with a little smile on her face that says I am good and I know it. People like others who listen actively and don't talk only about him or herself.


The world will lie and get you to follow its leadership for better or worse if you let it. This is a competive world and others will put you down if you let them, so don't. Figure out what is real and what is imagined by others and go with your own instincts, the internal voice that tells you what to do to make yourself look as good as you can!!


Figure out the real you -- don't let others get you down. We are all different so vive la differance!! That is French for be yourself, that is all that you can be!!

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different guys have different attraction towards girls. some like wild girls, and some like more quiet girl. other guys look for commitment and some guys look for on night stands and stuff. so i guess wat im tryin to say is people are different in wat they want so there is no real answer. i personally like girls that are cute, nice personality, someone im not afraid to show my mom, healthy as in not too skinny and not to fat, and i absolutely hate girls that smoke(nothing against them). hope ihelp and if didnt sorry.

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guys like diffrent types of girls. i myself kinda like girls that come up to me and talk to me first. im the shy guy you could say. i like girls that have an unusual cuteness about them. its all about personality though, if i cant have a good conversation with a girl i dont want anything more...

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Well what attracts guys to ladies is so subject you can't really pinpoint much. However, in my view, the only common link in any of this discussion is that we like a woman who has a nice smile (subjective) and smiles a lot (not subjective). A smile says so much to guy, the most important things being:


a) Someone who is smiling and having fun looks more fun to be around as well as more approachable. Just as women find guys who cross there arms as unapproachable.


b) It tells us, for the moment at least, that you are confident and secure with yourself.


All the rest is subjective, stuff you have no control over.

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  • 3 years later...

im about 6'2 slender/medium build. personally i like wemon that have a body that well "fills out her cloths". i'm not talking about cupsize or anything, i think it has to do alot with cloths they wear as well that kinda shows off themselves. i dont like skinny wemon i like medium build and this is kinda weird but ive noticed wemon that are a little short maybe around 5'1-5'5 have the build im talkin about. it's rather hard to explain... my last gf was 5'2.. kinda weird having a foot on a girl. but its cute ina way.


i like confidence in a woman, shyness or boldness doesnt matter but i like a girl who is confident in what she does and the decision she makes. obviousely she has to have some intelligence but id rather have a woman who was wise versus super smart. and this is a must "ASSIRTIVENESS" i want a girl who will speak her mind without blowing her top. my last gf didnt say sh*t and ended up lieing to me to find out shes been with another guy for 3 weeks because she couldnt find it in her heart to tell me how she felt about where our relationship was going..

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A pretty feminine face and a fertile body.


It doesn't hurt to be submissive either. I'm attracted to women who are interested in the girly sciences, like chemistry and biology, also I like the idea of a woman who will be a school teacher, those as just added extras. Mostly it is the feminine face and fertile body.

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