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why do i randomly doze off??

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i know day dreaming is "normal" when ur tired and what not, but i dunno wuts wrong with me, i feel like im on drugs (which im not) but lately ive been sooo...dreamy...i just will doze off, while im awake and think about whatever and be totally in my world, not so much to be like autistic or anything! i know that for a fact, but its just relaxing. but sometimes its bad cuz ppl will be talking to me and ill just daze off and wont know what they said, cuz im thinking about something else, or im telling a story and ill just totally forget what i wanted to say, is this ..."normal"?? and im not tired or anything, maybe i have too much on my mind? y is this happening?

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this sounds like what i do. actually it happened to me today while swimming, in the morning and in my swim meet after school. i think about the weirdest things when i'm swimming and just in general. i space out so much that my frinds think i'm on drugs or don't sleep at all. The thing is i don't get much sleep but i know for me that me being tired isn't what casues it because when i get tired i get over tired and start rambling and get really jumpy. anyways i don't like the term "normal" so i'm not going to use it ( i'm just weird like that) but ya i don't see anythign wrong with it, i usually end up doing it the most when i subcontiously try to distract myself from what's going on around me or think about the things that i really need to think about. but if you get too worried about it you could always see a doctor.

good luck

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