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He's going to do it again, break up with him now. Also, she is not really your BFF if she is doing that with your guy, dump her too.


I'm telling you this as a gal who hooked up with the guy my friend was dating(back when I was 21)...I didn't care that much about my friend or I would not have touched her guy.

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Like Mun said, if he can, he will, again.


I'm assuming if he feels he can get away with this, he will do it again, especially if he believes you won't break up with him for this. Nonetheless, if you stay with him and continues such behavior it will most likely move up a notch to cheating among other things until he breaks up with you.


The best advice is move on. Find someone whom you can trust not to do such things just because he can.

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Personally, I've never quite believed the common expression "once a cheater always a cheater." Although it does seems logical that a person who can commit this "crime" once would be able to do it again, it is important to remember that people do make mistakes and learn from them. However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't be cautious if you continue to date him, because clearly the trust has been broken and it will take some time for him to gain it back. Since this happened at the very beginning of the relationship, it could be that perhaps he was scared and sought out affection elsewhere as comfort - once again, I'm not making excuses for him, just trying to understand the logic behind his actions.

What it comes down to is whether or not you feel that you can forgive him. As for the situation with the best friend, maybe you ought to re-think your choices in buddies a little more carefully next time...


Best of luck to you,


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I'm don't know why I'm the first person to poitn this out but you've been going otu with him for four months and he made out with your friend 3 months ago. When you would have been going out with him for a month. After a month there really isn't an expectation of monogamy. Unless you specifically told him you were monogamous then I don't see any reason why he would think you were and why he shouldn't. If you did tell him that prior to him making out with your friend then yes I agree dump him but if you didn't I don't see any reason you have to even be angry with him.

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