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So, tonight is the night I'm going to the hockey game at my ex-boyfriend's college. I'm really actually nervous.


I've received a lot of very good advice (thank you) about how I should act if I see him there. Here's the previous thread: link removed

I now have an idea in my mind about how I will act if I see him. Cordial and a bit aloof near him. Very "together" I guess.


Right now I'm just nervous. I live 2.5 hours away from him. I've never had to worry about seeing him until now when I am going to his domain. I don't want to see him at all, and it was really helping me move on knowing that I'd never have to see him again. But now there's this possibility.


It's going to be so hard to try to keep my eyes from scanning the arena for him. I haven't talked to him in about a month and its helped a lot, but... I'm just worried since the time is coming closer.

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Take a deep breath.....and calm down. Do a lot of stuff today leading up to the event...go shopping if you have time...get a pedicure. Work out..get rid of all that nervous energy. You'll feel more calm and relaxed...

WHATEVER you do...do NOT sit around ALL day waiting for the event...

you'll build up scenerios and expectations in your head...that's dangerous.

Just stay super busy....this way you're not pinning ALL your hopes on this ONE meeting. Hope it all goes well!

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