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Going To Have A Heart Attack

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I feel like I will have a heart attack because I am so stressed out about living with my family. I live in the most critical family in the world, and my father is the most critical. He always puts everyone down. He puts me down all the time, and I can't stand living in this house any more. I want to finish college and get a full time job so I can move out by January. I don't care if I move into some run down place, because I would rather live with robbers and pedophiles than with my family. I feel so stressed out from living with them that I honestly feel that I don't move out soon, then soon I will have a heart attack, for real.

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I feel your pain. I grew up in a very critical home. I moved out about 4 months ago and to an extent I'm glad I did. The financial support is needed, as I am a student too, but I had to do it. Since I've been gone I still disagree with some of the ways my parents handled things, especially my father. But as well, I had developed an appreciation for them. The fact is, sometimes we don't get along, and I can't stand being around them for long periods of time, but if I ever REALLY needed them, they would be there...

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My father was the same way. I thought a had a heart condition, almost had surgery. Then i was put on lexapro and my heart stopped hurt!

In hindsight I was always so anxious about stuff....much caused by my overly demanding father, that I was a wreck.

I never believed a pill would make things easier but it has! Talk to your doctor, your heart pain is real, and you dont have to live with it.


Shame based parenting leaves alot of people with anxiety as adults


You can feel better!


I'll be praying

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