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Getting on with things ....

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You may have read my previous posts but in short i split with my g/f recently after she said she needed time apart to throw herself into her new police career.


Basically, after 2 1/2months now I have finally got to grips with the fact that she does just need space, ive stopped texting and calling her and we contact each other about once a week to check each other are ok which is nice.


Thing is I have a dilemma, from our relationship she has some of my stuff at her place, dvd player, dvds, movies etc , she also owes me £1500 quid from me paying off her credit card and taking her on holiday.


The thing is I feel that by taking those things back I am reducing the bond between us and increasing the likelihood of us never trying again.


What do you guys think, should I leave everything as it is until its 100% over, or should I ask for everything back and risk pissing her off.

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tough one.....when my ex left me i used getting belongings back as an excuse to see her. i didnt want my stuff, i didnt want to give hers back.

i just wanted to see her and try and talk things out. needless to say...........her "break" was another guy so i am glad now that i did what i did. i would hate to have to see her now to get my stuff. just some thought.

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I was in your shoes about a month ago. My ex cheated on me and I wanted to get my things back. He did everything in his power to try to keep my things. I finally got my things back after two months of beign broken up. Money does not grow on trees and I do not work to support some jerkoff. When people say that they want space sometimes it is a polite and cowardly way to tell someone that they do not want be in a relationship with you anymore. In your case however your girlfriend may want to get back together with you, but it would be best to move on. Moving on does not mean to go out and date every girl out there. Start to date again when you are ready. Work on your life and career! You will be a better man if she does come back, and if she does not it is her loss and your new hot girlfriend will be glad that she dumped you! ALL YOU NEED IS YOURSELF!!! DO NOT DEPEND ON SOMEONE ELSE FOR YOUR HAPPINESS! Take time to heal yourself! Being single is time for self development! What helped me get though my breakup was reading my bible and getting reconected with God. I thought that I could not go on with out this guy, but now I am over him!!! (It has been 3 months today) I am not ready to date but I do not need a man to validate who I am! Do not be so dependent on this girl. If the loan and belongings can be replaced( you have enough money to buy new things) then just replace them.

In my case, My ex was a greedy jerk so I had to get my things back, he thought that I wanted to see him but I did not. My objective was to get back my things from a jerk who thought that he could keep $600 worth of my things. He was a coward, your ex-girlfriend seems nice. If they were gifts then they are hers, but I don't see anything wrong with getting your things back. If she really loves you she should understand, that you have to watch movies to!

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Hi Robbi,


This is very difficult indeed. The question is how long are you going to wait for her? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades?


I think that if you feel you still think you could get together again, then I would wait. From what I see, though, is that you have BIG time doubts.


The decision is yours, of course, but as I see things from your message, I would get to things and sit down with her to see what is needed to get your things back.


I wish you good luck and I hope that this helped you


~ SwingFox ~

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