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revenge of the used goods

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The last six years i have had the most amazing friend. Shes beautiful funny and everyone likes her. We have been through some of the roughest times together and seem to have over come most things with our friendship intact. Although i really do love her to pieces im so jealous of her. Like i said she is gorgeous, slim figure, big eyes and the longest dark hair. And she has such a bubbly personality, shes irristable and is always the centre of attention. She has so many men just falling at her feet and she just loves it. And until lately he has always been the one to stick up for me.

There was talk that my ex boyfriend who i broke up with just on a year ago as coming back for awhile. Recently my friend received text messages from him asking her out...although she was flattered she didnt reply to him, as hes my ex and all. She also said that when she did see him that she was going to ask him what the deal was with asking her out, she was gonna be a friend and stick up for me.

A day later she comes into my work and tells me that shes going to her schools formal with him!Honesly it really hurt, although it was a year ago that i broke up with him. But we did go out for a year and for seveenteen year olds, that is a long time. We shared a really special bond and he was my first love and he had a huge impact on my life . Although i have left school i still attended the formal and just paid no attention to him, and ignored them both when they were together. I did have a good time, i made sure it was obvious that i was having fun!


I just dont know where i stand with my friend any more. She was the one i bitched to about him before we broke up...Im not even sure how i should feel about it all....is it wrong to be jealous after all this time? I just feel like she kinda ditched me, and i really dont even want to get started on him...(is this his idea of revenge?)Although he is my used goods right?! Im not so sure weather she wants my trust or not...if she does shes go a funny way of showing it

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Dear Shiver,

I'm sorry to hear about your friend's betrayal. It's almost the same like mine but i'm afraid your's worst. Though i might be speaking up for her i think that she ahs the right to go for your ex when he's ur ex.Unless she knows that you still love and want him. But don't you think it's a bit to early for to um.. u understand. If it's just for fun i don't see why you should lose a best friend for a guy.


I hope my advise helped. I'm sorry if i have hurt you.

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Well shivers,


I think quite honestly going to a formal is a harmless gesture on the part of your friend. I've gone to formal's with people other then my gf at the time if she couldn't make it. It doesn't really mean anything. However if you think your friend is trying to pursue a relationship with you ex that's a whole different story.


Even then unless you told your friend outright you didn't want her dating him she has the right to. Even if you did that doesn't mean she can't. The way you describe you friend makes her sound like a big tease which is harmless really.


I understand that 1 year is a long time when you're 17 but quite frankly 1 year is also plenty of time to get over someone when you're 18. Your first love will always stick in you mind and heart but that doesn't give you the right to spoil their fun. You should be happy that he's moved on and try to move on yourself.


BTW how was the breakup... was it him with you, you with him and what were the reasons... that information would be invaluable.


I hope this helps

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Seems so petty that i would let this get to me. Thanks for your replies though, and one year is a very long time to get over someone. This entire situation just causes me to question my friends motives....but there is more to life. It was me that broke it off with him...i wasnt what he wanted in a girlfriend, and he was extremely jeaslous of all my guy friends and that just annoyed me. I making a big fuss over nothing...i know!

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Hi all,


The deeper meaning of friendships is to have freedom from being possesive or ownership of those friendships.


No-one has the right or the audacity to ask from another, to stay away from your ex he/she may be interrested in.


Its tough to accept, I agree, but keep in mind, you never gave that gift to your friend, that he/she would be attracted to your ex, so you also don't have the right to take it away from them.


Kind regards,


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