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So as i discussed prior on this site, i was dating this girl for a month and she decided she wanted to be friends..i had no choice but to accept that.

now since we are in friends mode, i try to speak to her once a week via telephone or text message, but it seems that she is not really interested in being friends..basically i contact her and she responds..she never contacts me..so i know asked her if she likes talking to me..she said she was busy with work and her family and it;s been really busy lately..no time for anything...that was last week and i never heard from her...i know she is not interested in me anymore, i guess i just want to see if you guys think the same.


thanks for the advice

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Well dude, the friend zone is an interesting area, whether between guys or girls. I mean, you can be friends with someone and not talk with them on a daily or even a weekly basis but if you go to the same school, than usually the two people find time to hang out or at least talk. I think you're going to be the one who would initiate conversations or try to contact her because of the fact that you were interested in her at one point. Keep in mind this point: you'll know better from all the contextual and circumstantioal details that havent been expressed on this forum what the real deal with her is. Also remember that generally, the most logical explanation is the right one. If she say's she's had an insanely busy week, she probably has.

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