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When to start talking about the break-up issue?

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I feel it's a good idea to talk about why both of us broke-up. She broke up with me and at that time she threw in alot of answers but some were lame and not true, and Im confused as to why she broke up with me and I don't know what's my mistake. I don't know what was my big mistake. I feel quite happy to talk to her on the phone, I might call her today. But we don't talk about our past. And I feel uncomfortable talking about our past because Im scared she might think Im trying to get back with her. I still love and care about her but I want to go about it the right way, I don't want to force things. I feel by talking to her about our break-up will ease things up and not make both of us nervous like as if nothing had happened. We talk quite happily and stuff, almost like before (cause now she has a bf). Im also scared that she might get into a bad mood if I bring up the subject and that we might get into arguments which I don't want to do. Do you think I should just not talk about it?


Please help me out.

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Leave it be...If she does not watn to talk about it you will just push her away


She will bring it up when she wants to if she wants to...You will know when to say something....


Just let things happen and the past needs to stay the past....For now...

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you are right. i suppose if she wanted to talk about it she will start off by talking about it. what if she never talks about it? so that would mean we'll never talk about it? the last 2 words you said "for now". are you trying to say that later i should talk about it?

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