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need sum help interpreting...

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hey evry1, i'm hoping this is the right forum page to ask this question. Basically, there's this girl that i'm interested in but everytime I walk past her, or make jokes/talk, or come in close proximity with her, she doesn't ever look at me, instead I when I do notice her around, I always just catch her looking down at the floor. Like for goodness sakes, i've only caught her giving me sum eye-contact only twice in recent weeks!!!


Also, I spoke to her a couple of times thinking it'll help break the ice, but it still continues to be like so. I've talked to her on a 1-on-1 basis and also in a group-like atmosphere a handful of times. When we do talk in class she doesn't at all seem shy or uncomfortable with our conversations, but outside of class, it's a whole different matter.


So my question to all is, what does this mean? Is she shy or does she just want to avoid me so I don't pursue this matter any further? Deep down inside i think there is some interest there, but i'm as blind as a bat when it comes to body language/attraction signs so i might be interpreting what i've been seeing wrongly. Thanks in advance for the help...

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hmmmm.....difficult to say it is 0X LOL but seriously...


Have the one one conversations you've had with her been only in class? I think the most sure fire way to tell is to ask her to have coffee with you or something like that. That step on your part would drop an obvious hint and her response should give you enough signs to deduce an answer.

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hey lonseomeheartmark, the thing is i've been wanting to ask her out for either lunch or coffee near our Coll campus. But, the signs i'm getting from her are sorta confusing me. Also, my instincts are also sorta telling me that she probably currently thinks of me more as just an acquaintance rather than a friend(because of the way she acts when i'm around her), and is making me reluctant to ask her out yet. Also, from what i've heard and seen, with shy individuals you gotta take everything SLOWLY, like literally snail-like pace when getting to know them...

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hmm, this is true. I would say though since you've talked with her on a number of occasions it is time to suggest coffee. Make it really casual and bring it up lightly, like at the end of a conversaiton or something. I don't know if you're a shy type but here's a thought:


If two people are interested in one another, but both are shy types, someone has to learn to be bold

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yeah, I'll probably slowly warm-up to the idea of asking her out if i feel/see that there's interest coming from her, because right now I'm totally confused with all the signs i'm getting from her...


hey PavPPZ1, is the stuff i said in my 1st post usually the tall-tale signs of a girl being uninterested? How can you usually tell when a girl is just uninterested in a guy?

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I had a similar situation last month with a girl at work, and I just decided to give it up. I don't care how beautiful or charming a girl seems, if she cannot at least hint that she's interested, I'm not interested.

Just because there's so much guesswork involved, I'd much rather pursue a girl that at least drops hints. You need a little something to go on before you ask her out, you know.

I think it's okay to be shy, but shy to the point where the person avoids eye contact or even speaking is a turn off. I'm shy, but more than willing to talk to anyone that can keep a conversation going. You can always sense when someone is truly interested, unless they clam up.

I suggest if you really like her though, you ask her out..

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alrite then... from the response so far, its 3 ppl who feel that she's shy and 1 person who feels that she's not interested... very interesting.


But, Dre_7 i totally agree with you and i think i'm experience nearly the exact same thing you went thru last month, i'm just basically waiting for the slightest hint of "confirmed" interest from her before i plan on pursuing the matter any further. But yeah, if i don't get any concrete response from her anytime soon, i'm probably just gonna move on...

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alrite then... from the response so far, its 3 ppl who feel that she's shy and 1 person who feels that she's not interested... very interesting.


But, Dre_7 i totally agree with you and i think i'm experience nearly the exact same thing you went thru last month, i'm just basically waiting for the slightest hint of "confirmed" interest from her before i plan on pursuing the matter any further. But yeah, if i don't get any concrete response from her anytime soon, i'm probably just gonna move on...


Yep, I think you should go based on what you feel. I mean personally, I'm not able to deal with mixed signals anymore, it's either you like me or you don't. There's no in between, unless you're afraid of a relationship/committment to one guy..in which case we won't get along anyway

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