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Define to me what taking it slow means

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What is it when someone says "LET BOTH TAKE IT SLOW"

good grief... bith have been running 100miles/hours and know how crazy and emotionally attached you ar to oneanother. then all of a sudden the sentence it slow" comes up. Now dont mistake me... i dont see the mariage thing when travelling at 100ile/hour BUT i would rather travel 100miles/hour and roll with it then to have a sudden brake and pretend that everything is fine and dandy seeing and hearing less of each other. Sorry i just dont get this "Lets take it slow thing." the only thing i see is the person saying it wants more control in the relationship.

That my opinion ... whats yours.

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progresss .. what progress .. things hasnt changed .. cray about each other... want to hang ot.. blah blah blah... i dont want to get married yet and neither does she... so we are as far as it can go... only that we stil learning about each other...

So, wht the hell is "taking it slow about??"

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This basically means you are giving her too much attention, more then she needs, pull back and act reserved, make her ask for it, then she will want to pick tings up again, the problem can be that it becomes too overbearing. Just try to take things easy and relax some...

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Basically what she's telling you is that she's not ready for a committed relationship with you yet. I don't think she'll want one with you either. If you're cool with having a no strings attached situation in which either one of you could leave at any time, then stick with it. Have fun. But if your feelings are too deep and you're falling for this girl, you might wanna think about cutting things off before you get really hurt. Keep talking to other girls for sure at this time.

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