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Help with advice please!!

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ok here goes.... Is it a bad sign that we wont get back together when after 7 months he is wanting to hang out w/ other ppl and talk to other girls n stuff.... I was his first serious relationship so it scares him cuz we're only 20, so he's making sure he knows what he wants..... At first we took a break, and then a few days ago I broke up w/ him cuz I culdnt take the jealousy thing nemore knowing he was talking to another girl... He sorta agreed but seemed hurt that I was wanting the break-up too. He asked my best friend to call me the other night to see where I was and what I was doing.... so I know he is still thinking and caring about me.... He also doesnt want me to go back home on the weekends and drink.... I duno what to do.... In the back of my mind I have hopes we can get back together....... I know we'll always have feelings for each other.

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Ok its hard to explain what i want to say but here goes. I think its great that your ok with him hanging out with other people and talking to girls so that he can realise he actually really wants you.BUT then im sorry but you have to think about this (im sorry im very blunt)

1. What if he finds another girl he likes better than you and you end up heart broken

2. WHat if he speaks and dates other girls and does stuff with them and gets back with you, could you go on with him knowing hes slept with other girls? just to prove that yeah he does like you better.

there so many thing you need to think about and if i really would like to know how he'd feel if you spoke to other people and guys..how would he feel cause i can bet you he'd feel jealous! and he wouldn't like it..i think hes just playing a little mind game i think to find out what he really wants but the thing is he should realise that in the end what if he doesn't get what he wants...

im sorry if that didnt make sense

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