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Feeling sad....

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I've been pretty sad the last couple months. First of all, I'm 25 and moved out of my parents house so I could finish up school. I live with a roommate and he is cool, I have a few friends out here, but not many. I still have great feelings for my ex gf of 3 years. She broke up with me 2 years ago, but I still feel strongly for her. We have been talking as of late and going out as friends, but I just get the feeling she's not into me. We've told each other we still have feelings for each other, I just dont think hers are as strong as mine. I plan on telling her real soon my true feelings for her. I told her a few months back I only wanted to be friends, but i want more than that, and i plan on telling her so next week when we hang out. But i'm trying not to get my hopes up with her because i just have the feeling she doesnt want me. I'm also having trouble just finding friends in this new city and if my ex doesnt feel the same way i do, i want to date again, problem is i just dont know where to go to meet a good girl. advice?

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you need to get up and over, do not tell her your true feelings women are smart and she already knows, you will only realize the fact that she is going to be forced to tell you the reality of the situation. You need to get up on your feet and get over her brotha, its the only way. I shudder at the fact that you are not over her after 2 years, must get over her. She is over you, and ther is a quote out there: "If the arts have no desire for me, then I have no desire for the arts" well thats kind of cheesy but you get the idea. Move on and stay strong. Think of ways to better yourself, get books, think personal growth. and you will come out victorious.

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Well it's your mistake for not being honest with her when you started talking to her again. If you told her you just wanna be friends, of course that's what she's going to think. Let her know what you want. See what she says. If you two can't reach a compromise, drop her because it won't lead to anything but heartache. Either you get back together or No Contact. It's the only way you'll get over her. And i'll pm you a site for getting girls.

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Yeah, i do still have feelings for her after 2 years. we both made mistakes, yadda yadda yadda. i did date a girl for 8 months after my ex of 3 years who i broke it off with 2 months ago. she just wasn't right for me. so i ended it. but yeah, i'm fully prepared if she tells me it wont work out, to just move on. i've already went through the pain of the breakup and if she tells me no, i'll have no problem. i'll just look for someone else. but where are some good places to meet new people? and not just one night stands.

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