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NC is it always best idea?

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Just thought I would air my opinion on NC. I dont think it is always the best thing when breaking up (depending on the nature of the split). I just spilt up with my girlfriend who I loved with all my heart (funily enough was the reason for the split, as she did not love me as mcuh then got all guilty bla bla bla). Any way I had 4 days planned to spend time at her house, and we broke on the first day, and as I was in her shoes for 4 days I was devistated for like 2 always crying, third was easier and 4th was no trouble at all. I mean I almost toaly healed and we best mates now, with a special bond as we came sooo close to each other during our relationship. So really spending time with someone you best friends with and also person you spilt up with, means u have to face everything and you are left with no unanswered questions. But I also agree in some cases this isnt true, anyone lese share my view?.

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Well, I was in a similar situation as you were. We broke up but stayed friends because we were so close. It seemed fine, until we starting developing feelings for each other again. We went through a cycle where we go out for a few months, then break up and go to back to friends, then we'd start liking each other again, and get back together again. Very painful cycle. Not to say that it will happen to you, just my sitiuation...

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haha think it started happening already. She dont love me anymore but she keeps flirting lol, and well ashamedly we wnded up having sex 3 days after we broke up lol. But yer she not ready for a seriouse relationship which is what it was turning into, so if she wants a lesser one I may comply I will just try to not get as emotionaly attached this time. But she assured me this was never going to happen again but hey her sex drive is too high for it not too unless she finds someone else lol.

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NC is not always the best thing to do. It really goes to how you are handling the braek up. Is it easier for you to stay in contact or is it easier for you to have no contact.


NC is really only an option if seeing your ex leads you to the old crying, begging, pleading routine.

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Well I accepted she did not want to be in the relationsip. And they say the first thing about love is knowing when to let go, so I did wat she wanted. I did cry when I saw her and all that but after 2 days was really reduced then after 3rd day was gone. Now all im worried about is telling all my mates. We are still ait too close though I think, abit touchy feely. (not that I mind)

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I'm all for NC. I wouldn't have it, and have never had it, any other way. I just cannot move on if they're still in my life. NC means it puts an end to all those false hopes I might have of getting back together. NC means I don't get in a rut. NC means things are a lot less painful. NC means eventual peace of mind, rather than going around in circles and torturing myself.

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