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itching down below

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OK its very embrassing but i cant seem to find a doctor since im not resigter yet where im staying....for the past 3 days down below has been dry and itching and its so irritating i can pee and poo normally just its very itchy and i just noticed that (ok i dont know what its called so i have to described it) its like two lips and when you open it you can see another hole??? thats the only way i can described it..but anyway ones bigger than the other i really dont know what to do cause its like fine and then il get this little tickly feeling inside thats realli iritating it really feels like i had a bug crawling around inside there



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Ok....what you are describing the lips and hole are perfectly normal. Hasnt anyone given you any education on your body yet? If not talk about it to the doctor when you go in to see him. If you are too embarrassed to talk about it...go tot the library and look at some books on anatomy.......

Now the other problem...the itching....sounds like Thrush to me actually...which is harmless but very irritating. Of course Im not 100% sure if it is and you need to see the doctor to check and so he can prescribe you some cream to clear it up. Most women get it at some stage and its not from anything you have done. You do have to go to the doctor though...you need to treat it otherwise it can get much worse and become a real headache.

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I agree with the others in that your symptoms sound like a yeast infection (also called thrush). Here is some info on yeast infections. link removed


You can get an over the counter cream to treat it, but since this is the first time you've experienced these kinds of symptoms, you should get checked out by a doctor to make sure that's what it is. As it says in the first paragraph of that link, bacterial infections can cause similar symptoms. An anti-fungal cream will cure a yeast infection, but it won't do anything to help a bacterial infection. The only way to find out for sure what you have is to have a doctor take a look. The doc will take a sample of the discharge and look at it under a microscope to see if it's yeast or bacteria.

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