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does he like me?


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hey, i have liked this guy (james) for three years, i have known him for four. the other day, we had our last day of school (year 12 muck up day) so we had our shirts signed and everything, dont know if this means much but he wrote love james on my shirt, which he has never done to anyone. but anyway. latter that day i was back at his place and we continued to write little messages to each other, then decided it was best if we washed off all the pen marks on our skin. we ended up in the laundary without our tops on (i still had my bra) washing each other off. he allowed me to touch him in a way that he doesnt really allow anyone else. later on, he was talking to me as if he was joking, but did actaully care about me.


his always said that he will never date anyone till after exams, our first exam is this friday.


do you think he might actaully be interested in me, his not to the type to let people touch him, his very shie quite and kept to himself, but has let me get rather close to him...


please help, tell me what i should do to find out if he likes me????

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I absolutely agree


he seems as if he likes you, maybe after the exams r over u can ask him out or something. If your not the type of person to do it straight up, just tell him how you feel. If he is a quiet and shy person he maybe feeling exactly the same as you are. He might just want to know if you like him.

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