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My g/f is going to give me the 3rd? Are there doos and donts

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So me and my g/f are going to ingage in oral sex this weekend.I w heard a rumor that is the girl suck on it hard that your testies will mess up,Is that true? I bought ultra thin, are they ok? Is sperm scientificaly proven to be some what good for the women? My g/f is alergic to latex, Should we still do it or do it without it?(she says that every time she wears rubber bands she gets like rashes ans stuff)


So are there do's and dont's?


Thanks for the help.

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You cant mess up your testicles with general oral sex. You cannot get pregnant so you dont need a condom for that.

You can catch herpes and syphillis through oral sex if you have it.

Apart from that enjoy yourselves.

To be honest im amazed you planned it in advance!!

Good luck

With love, as always


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PS There is no scientific benefit to the woman. Sperm is fattening as it is basically protein in fat. However you dont have benefits or otherwise from swallowing it.

Do's and don'ts.

Dont expect her to swallow, it can make a gag reflex and takes a bit of getting used to.

Dont push too hard, same reason, in general let her go at her pace and depth.

Experiment with licking and sucking, there are many pleasurable ways to have oral sex, its not all about sucking.

And don't forget to return the favour.

With love, as always


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The is a great post somewhere by DragonGirl.


First thing, warm up slow. Don't have either of you just diving between each other's legs. Enjoy what comes before. With you, kiss her all over. Kiss her lips, ears, neck, eyes, and belly. Then works towards her breasts. Nothing too hard, nothing too quick. Work slow. Work slowly back down her torso, kiss and lick all over, be gentle. By pass her pubic area, kiss her legs, her thighs, etc. Kiss the point right above and inside where her legs joins her torso. When you get to her pubic area, move in slow, jsut breathe on it, jus touch her hair then her lips, but move from place to place real slow, and use a very light touch. Only after you have touched her very lightly should you do it harder, but watch how she reacts. Do what she likes, what excite her.


Once you touch her lips, lick them, lick them all over, work from outside to in, then lick inside. Eventually, you need to move towards her clit. (Do a web search, know her anatomy.) Her clit is the magic button, but you cannot use much pressure. You might not even want to touch it directly. Sometimes direct contact is too much. Move your tongue in circles, back and forth side to side and up and down. When you get in this area and something works, keep doing it. Do not change in midstride to vary things. Lightly, lightly and jsut watch what works for her.

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wait, does guys like it when their ball sis being lick? coz i find it weird when my bf doesn't wnat me to lick his balls when i read fromone article that its a pleasure zone for men?


Some guys like it and some don't. It's pleasurable for some. Some may be too sensitive. Some may not be comfortable with the idea for one of a number of reasons. When we engage in sexual activity we should do what works for our partners. Try different things, see what works for him.

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