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Betrayal. Reason to End Friendship?

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Is betrayal of trust a reason to end a friendship?

It is, or was, a good friendship, and a reasonably significant piece of information that I entrusted onto her was betrayed.


Is that reason to end the friendship, or am I acting out of anger?

She has nothing to say in her defense, but tears fill the placement of words.



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I think it depends.


Is this the first time she did this? How bad did she betray you? Did she betray you because she was worried about your safety?


If she does things like this a lot- betray your trust, then I don't think she is a good friend. Friendship is about trust and honesty. They shouldn't hurt you. If this was something as bad as like spreading something to other people that you told her, then I don't think she's a good friend either. Friends should respect you when you tell them information that you don't want others to find out about.


However, this is just an example, but if you told her that you cut yourself, and she went and told someone, then I think she is a good friend who is just looking out for your safety.


It all depends on the situation in my opinion. I think you really need to talk to her and she needs to talk to you. It's not fair for her to do something to hurt you, but then just cry when you confront her about it.

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I once found myself in the same situation you find yourself in now. The information I trusted with my good friend was very delicate yet she went and told another person. I couldn't believe that she went and did such a thing. I told her how it made me feel and have never spoken to that person again. That happened 4 years ago.


Obviously what I told her was very sensitive. Its up to you whether you want to be around people who break your trust. How high do you rate trust in a friendship?

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Thanks for all the responses,

The circumstances were: This girl was my best friend for a long time, I trusted her not to tell anyone that I was seeking help for my depression, but she told a friend of hers. And this friend is my uncle's step-daughter, so my parents eventually found out through him.


P.S I didn't want my parents to find out because they believe that depression is for the weak etc. and I didn't want the extra stress. I told her that too.

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That was definitly something that she should not have told anyone. The point isn't that your parents found out. The point is that your friend told her friend something that was supposed to be trusted to her.


That was not something she had a right to spread.

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hm well I'd be pissed off if that happened to me, I can see why you are angry with your friend, but personaly if it was me I would probably give my friend another chance, maybe they thought they could trust in their other friend (not saying it makes it right that they told) maybe they just wanted what was best for you.. but I don't know I spose it depends on if you are willing to forgive your friend if they are truly sorry.

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