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Mom wont let me do what I want to

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Well to start I've stared grade 10 and my careers class. Were learning how important it is to know what you wan to do now so that you can take the right courses in grade 11 and 12. My parents want to go to a university and so do I so I took the academic levels in high school so I will be able to get in a university.


In my careers class we had to research info about 3 careers we'd want to do when we get older. I've always wanted to do something that would help other people. I'm not smart enough to be a doctor or a medic or stuff like that. So I decide that I'm going to join the military reserves for a part time job and become a police officer.


I've done researched on being a cop and they're no universities that have the police courses. I really want to go to university but none have that course. Lots of collages have it and the closest one is and hour a way.


When I told my mom what I to do she looked at me with a disappointed look. She said she didn't want me to get hurt. For the past week she's been naming other jobs that she wants me to do none of witch appeal to me. She also said that she wouldn't pay for me to live an hour away and the she would drive me down every day. (I guess by that time I'll be driving so I could do it to) But and hour drive every day just to get to school then another hour to get back is too much. Maybe she's saving this because she doesn't want me to go to that school. I know I have enough money saved up. I found a bank statements titles "resisted education saving plan" and it had my name there so I know the money is for me and. Threes over $20 000 in there so that means I can afford to live there.


Anyways I need to know to tell my mom and actually everyone else in my family (they don't like the idea ether) that its want I want to do and that they shouldn't stop me form doing it.

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Being a mom, I can understand her concerns, but you need to follow your dream. If you honestly want to be a cop, which is a very noble profession, then stick to your guns. (No pun intended, ha ha!!) I'm sure eventually when she sees how serious you are, she will warm up to the idea just as Beec said and will be extremely proud!! As for the commute, an hour is really not so bad. My husband commutes an hour and a half one way to work each day. Of course, it you have the money saved to live on campus or closer to your university then by all means do it. I wish you the best of luck!!

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I believe she is concerned for your safety and well being. Both can hold potentially dangerous situations, and with the news we often hear more of the negative than the positive between Military and Law Enforcement.


You'll just need to explain it is your dream job. Explain why you want to make this plan happen. A lot of times parents don't approve of our career choices for one reason or another. She may assume you're just doing it for the popularity as some tend to. You need to express you're seriously interested.


Don't entirely alienate her suggestions, Or, think you can't do a job because of intelligence. You'll still need to keep your ground but not cancel everything or else you'll just end up in an argument.


What you may consider and I'm not sure about your location or anything, but maybe there is a Community College out there. They're generally less expensive (especially on campus housing if offered) and more in rural areas. Often have a multitude of Law Enforcement, Administration of Justice, Pre-Law courses or anything of that sort which may be beneficial to a future career. Classes are often smaller with more one to one student professor attention than that of a University.


In a Two Year Community College $20,000 will last a lot longer than say a Four Year University (I'm assuming thats what you're talking about.). $20,000 at a 4Yr. University doesn't last long at all I've learned. Depending where you go, a Community College 15 credit set up may only cost $500-600 in total costs a semester where as a University with the same credit amount may be $1,500+ a semester.

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When I said I wasn't smart enough to be a doctor I worded that wrong. I know I'm smart enough to something like that but I need high marks and i'm not a hardworking person. When I have a test comeing up I'd settle for a %75 in it without studying over a %90 in it and studying for 2 –3 hours.


Also the course I want to take is not offered in any universities near me. No university offers and courses that relate to a job with the police. The course is offered in lots of collages and it's a 2-year course.

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You're a smart kid. Actually, you're a smart young adult! Yes. Your mother needs to realize that that is your life's passion. I'm sure that she's worried about you, but sometimes, when parents force their kids to go into majors and careers that they don't have interest in, what they don't realize is that they end up hurting their own children in the long run.


Do what's in your heart, because no matter what, your heart will always go back to the very SAME career that you always wanted to do. What's the cause for this? Passion that's ingrained into your personality! Everyone is born with a personality, and it RARELY changes. If it changes, it's usually because people try to mold you into a person that you're not. That's when people end up feeling unfulfilled with their lives, because they don't listen to themselves. They end up being nothing but walking zombies!


By the way, if you're smart enough to know what you want, don't EVER doubt yourself. I have a cousin who thinks that she's not smart enough but I always tell her to believe in herself, no matter what. Whatever you do, believe in yourself, and have faith in the decisions you choose. Good luck to you!

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