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I am the only guy in my 6th hour class and the girl that sits next to me has been doing stuff that makes me wonder if she likes me. Many times her foot will come in contact with mine and she won't move it for a while. Sometimes she'll show me her stomach or ankles to show off her injuries or decorative socks, and, a couple times, she put her foot on my thigh and was kind of rubbing it. The couple of times that we had to work with someone she picked me both times, and she gave me a ride home once, her offer. We do talk often; I don't know if she flirting or not...She does a lot of that body language that shows interest stuff like a crossed leg with a foot shacking and playing hair/pen, etc. Last year, two people said, out of the blue, that they think she likes me, and sometimes she'll stare uncomfortably long at me, and she makes no attempt to hide the fact that she's staring at me. However, the thing is, she has a boyfriend. I don't know any details, but I think she was with him before she knew of my existence. I really like her, so if you have an oppinion please share it!

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First off, if she has a boyfriend then why do you want her? If she can do what she does to you with a boyfriend then what makes you think that she wouldn't flirt around and do inappropriate things like this if you two hook up? If you persue her you are walking on thin ice. I personally have to much respect for myself to play with a girl who doesn't understand what a commitment is.


Boyfriend aside, what more do you need from a girl to actually ask them out? My god, you said something about "last year some friends said that she liked you". You mean that this flirting has been going on over a year and you still haven't had the nerve to ask her out? What kind of sign do you need to muster the nerve?


Personally, if I was a girl and I was flirting this much with a guy whom I could tell was intersted, and he never took the hint after even one month, I would move on and forget the guy. You shouldn't need signs to find out if someone likes you before getting the nerve to ask. If you want to ask a girl out then just do it. It saves you so much time and confusion just to get it done.

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