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1 girl, many guys


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Ok picture this scenario, you work at a place where the majority of the employees are guys.


What do you do if you work at a different area than a girl that you are interested in, when the guys that she work with get to talk with her more often than you.


Is there like no chance of ever getting with this girl??

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Remember that old saying, "the grass is always greener" just because your distant doesn't mean your out of the loop completely, if she is selective and your her type, doesn't matter how stiff the competition, you'll be the one she will focus on.


sometimes being around someone all day jeopardizes your chances, you may not get to see her often, but just enough to spike her curiosity and interest.


be yourself, be confident, and show a bit of interest but keep her guessing a bit (thats your bait).


if she thinks your not her type, than basically your up the creek, but this isn't a total loss, after all, you do want someone that your compatible with also don't you? any reason beyond that is an indication your just looking to score.

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