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Ok.... The holidays are looming ahead...and many who post here

will be GREATLY tempted during the holidays to contact our ex'es...because it's the "nice" thing to do. I admit I have entertained this

thought too..but truthfully I DON'T want to break NC, simply because it's just really another excuse to do so...and really the ex'es will see it as such.

What would suck even MORE, and make the holidays even MORE bleak is if they don't even have the courtesy to respond to a "Happy Holiday" greeting...and yes I am sure that WILL happen to some.

I love the holidays but I dread NOT being able to make that call or send that email to them, out of fear of rejection.


Are any of you going to contact your ex'es during the holidays, or will you resist he urge at all costs?

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For me it's gonna be hard because for the past 6 years we spent Thanksgiving, X-MAS, New Years, and our B-days together. Hers is Dec 27th and Mine is Jan 5th. I wouldn't know until the time comes and I think for me it's gonna be a see who will make the first move. I think since she is the one that broke up with me, I don't feel obligated to contact her and make the kind gesture. It will defenitely be a difficult time that I can fore see. Just gotta be strong and keep NC up and resist at all costs and let them make the contact is the best thing to do. If they don't respond or wish me happy holidays, then I will see how much they really care.

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These exes don't deserve our good wishes-- it will be hard enough over the holidays for those of us who are spending them alone. Why add to the pain by putting ourselves on the line, then reliving the rejection. In my case, my ex already has a new girlfriend. They can give each other all the holiday cheer they want. Me-- I will be bitter and sad, yes, but also trying to move past that to a better place.

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