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Idon't know what to do there is this ex we broke up last year and recently in the summer we started t alking we talk msn alot moret han the phone and we flirt alot not to mention had sex a few times(friends with benefit) after school started we haven't seen eachother as much and now everytime we meet up he makes exuses not to see me and the funny thing is that the excuses are always the same i had asked him to tell me the truth and the reall reason he but he keeps saying there isn't any reason


the problem is that his dad and him share the car and he keeps telling me that his dad is using the car and blah blah blah so now i don't know wat to believe some of me says to believe him and the next part says not to...


But what i fel like telling him is not to ever talk to not to call me or even msn me or textme cuzi can't stand when people telling lies to me


How can i force someone to tell the truth ? really when i always have been asking him all the time , i even asked him if it had do with the sex becasue if he doesn't want sex from me it''s kool we can just chill but he said no it's not that...


So i don'tknow wat to do i am so confused, should i tell him to leave me alone and when i feel better/stronger to talk to him iwill just to let my heart heal for a while

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