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Few Pointers to break the Ice...

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Hi everyone!


There's this girl i see the odd occasion at the gym. Sometimes i catch her looking at me and vice versa. We haven't said much (honestly nothing)i try to smile to make her feel welcome.


I need few pointers to somehow break the ice between us and get to know her as a friend and who know's probably more!


I've spoken to other girls and there are alot friendlier compared to her. I.e. more approachable and easy to speak to!


I don't want to go out and just hit on her. I'd like to get to know her more as a friend.... someone u see regularly at the gym and just strike a convo.


My only dilema is i need to somehow break the tension between us So any pointers would be great!!!

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Next time you catch her looking at you go over and introduce yourself. Then talk about something in the gym or something with her workout routine. Since you are both in the gym there should be some common ground that you can find to open up the lines of communication. Once that is open it is upto you to keep it going.


Go For It! Good luck and let us know what happens!



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As simple as this sounds, say "hi" to her as she smiles back. This is a good start and a very easy one. You're already a familiar face to her, so it's not like she would be shocked. Even telling a stranger "hi" isn't a shock - you'll find that most people will say "hi" back to you.


Next, ask her for her name. For example, "Hi, what is your name?" My name is "Homer" nice to meet you. How do you like (the exercise class) you're in? How long have you been doing it? What other things do you like doing besides working out? (bottom line: talk about her, her and her. Make this conversation about her. People love talking about themselves, and it actually makes them like YOU more because you're taking a genuine interest in their life).


IMPORTANT: execute this with confidence. Practice it with other people. Watch people, watch how they react. Observe their body language. You can learn a lot from observation and experience. Reading people and learning how to deal with people is a skill like anything else - you get better with practice and knowledge. Good luck, and remember to practice.

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