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Dont want to live anymore....

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I've come to the conclusion that my life has been a pointless, meaningless series of events, strung together only for the sheer entertainment of others to laugh at me and watch me fall. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of living. I'm tired of people telling me that's how life is, how its unfair and I just need to suck it up and deal with it. Everyone around me seems so harsh, their words like acid to my skin. All they're interested about is telling me to deal with it. They don't care about my pain. They don't care about me. I don't know the point of this post. But that shouldn't be surprising since there really isn't any point to my life anyhow...

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What others say to you not so important as what you think about yourself.


What you think about yourself form who you are.


You care enough for yourself to post your thoughts here, surely you will care enough for yourself to make decision how to live your life.


Life is short, do not waste it on obeying other people opinion. You think what you want to do about your life for yourself.

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Ok firstly you sound like you are suffering from depression......OFF to the doctor FOR YOU immediately....and let him know how you are feeling and for how long!!!! Depression is treatable!!!!! ..... its only a chemical imbalance but can feel like the whole world is pointless and life is a waste of time when you are in the grips of it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...I beg you go to your doctor. Believe me with help your whole life can turn around. Dont worry what other people are saying, they dont know what you are feeling...only you do!!! PEOPLE telling you to get over it and pull your socks up and stuff IS NOT HELPFUL.....and will make you feel worse...BUT they dont have any idea what you are feeling........PLEASE GO TO THE DOCTOR.....

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I had an event that gave me similar feelings just last month. I planned my exit with great care down to the last detail. I made a list of pros and cons that pointed the way toward leaving. I must've come within a half-hour of checking out. Somehow I got past that point. My pain had blinded me to the good stuff in the world.

Don't hide your pain. Even strangers care about you.


See a doctor. What have you got to lose?

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Myrddin, I'm not quite sure if I've always felt this way. But I know I've always had low self esteem and a tendency to look on the negative side of things. I don't know why...maybe it was something that happened to me as a child. I get frustrated at myself when I do that, I hate it being part of who I. I can't change it yet I can't live with it being a part of me. I hate being conflicted inside as a person. On the realistic front, I'm not getting fantastic marks at uni, can't find part time work, don't have many friends, was never good at sport..........well, the list goes on......


As for doctors, well....that will be another reason for people to laugh at me and prove how abnormal I already am so no doctors thank you.

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You want to end it, so what do you have to lose by just talking to a doctor?

If your dignity is a concern, you must have some sense of self-worth.


Nobody has to know you've seen a doctor unless you tell them. You'd be surprised how many people also have your same problem.

I'd never want to go back to misery and self-loathing. Sure, you think it's an inextricable part of you, but I swear to you...it's not!

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Hi TooBroken


I'm glad you decided to come back again. It's quite safe here - nobody knows who you are and nobody will ever judge you.


Please, tell me some more about yourself and the things going on in your life at the moment. I'm listening and I want to help.

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