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I have been dating this guy for 3 months now. He had been called to active duty in the military and will be leaving in a few months (not sure where yet) and will be stationed for 5 years. He says he loves me, but he can't maintain a long distance relationship for that long and that far away (most likely out of the country). He asked me to go with him, but I am very close with my family and I have only known him for a short time. I don't think I can leave my family, job, and home for him even though I love him and do want to continue to develop our relationship. I think he should be willing to try the long distance thing and see how things go....

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I have to agree with your bf if this relationship is going to continue then you need to go with him. Is it possible that you could just try it out for a short period to see if you like it?


but I agree with you it would be very difficult to leave friends and family to go to someplace new. I would just keep in mind as to he may be the only person to take care of you if you make that move with him. because you will be in a strange place.so before even considering such a move ask yourself alot of questions.


like how well does he really treat you and can you depend on him.

are you a pretty independent person? because it sounds like he will busy.

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Judging from only 3 months of relationship, you guys might barely know each other to survive 5 years apart... Both you and him. I agree with cinderelly, you need to ask yourself lots of questions before making such a big more and if you decide this is worth it, it might be the only way to keep the relationship. This is a big move, in a place where you might be alone as well. Keep both his and your own interest in mind when deciding.

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5 years ... that's a long time ..very long time..

and I think that far from the eyes it's also far from the heart ...and even though many people make it in ldr .... how often will u be able to speak to him , see him , touch him and all of those details that makes relationships .. ?

I think that going with him gives more chances to both of u guys than trying the 5 year ldr ...

and if things don't work out between u can still come back home ...

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Well your family and friends aren't going anywhere so why not go..if it doesn't work, you can come home. Nowhere in the world is more than 24 hours away these days.


As for 5 years being a long time..I did a 6yr LDR..he got called up to do military service too. I'm nearly 1 year in on another LDR too at present.


LDR's are not for everyone thats for sure..

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