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What is going on


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I seem to run into a very interesting suitation and I have no idea what is going on here. So here goes.


There is this very good looking girl that works at the shopping center I work at, lets call her Girl A. One of the employess at Pizza Hut talk to the hot good looking girl that work with Girl A, lets call this other girl Girl B. The Pizza Hut guy said that Girl A has a boyfriend. So I thought that Girl A wouldn't even try anything. Girl B on the other hand is clearly extroverted and tends to flirt.


Today when Girl A was closing the store I walk by her and she gave me a very friendly smile. I did a double take. But I thought she was being nice as I have bearly said anything to her (basically "hi" and thats it). Then I see her going to her BMW but as she is walking to her car she checks me out. A few minutes later she walks out of StarBucks and I say good nite to her and I get a very friendly smile and she says good nite very quietly.


I don't know if it is just me or I make girls feel confrontable or she really doesn't have a boyfriend or what. I am just a bit puzzled thats all.

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