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Obsessed with the relationship

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Have a question, i have realized over time that i am getting obsessed with my relationship. It takes up all my head space and pulls at y insecurites. In my previous relationships i have never been so insecure in my life, but only resently i developed insecurities towards women. I will be prefectly fine around women, even in the initial dating periods, but as soon as it start to get a little more serious i get really insecure and very bloody sensitive. Does anyone have any ideas why? is it an age thing? is it a gender thing? Wht is it?

I have been hurt badly before my current relationship so maybe that is what scares me... I actually break out in cold sweat in the middle of the night.

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ok .. if it is a bad experience thing, such as betrayal of trust, how do u get over it? And no she doesnt know striaght out, i think she suspects it though, and i am not going to say it striaght out as i would see it very unattractive to the opposite sex. I would see it as unattractive... Maybe later.... but not now.. any ideas on how to control it? time of date less then 6 months.

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Thanks for the reply,

Yes i can say it is a self esteme thing, I hate the fact that the "virus" has been passed to me! When i talk about virus i mean that when relationship is distroyed by someone elses insecurities and that insecurity is somehow it is passed on.


I got to somehow shake this off, it isnt good for me, my relationships current and in the future.

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