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question for girls? how much would you do for a guy?

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hi all, this weekend I'm leaving to go on a trip to meet a guy that I really like. He lives about 6 hrs. away from me. I keep wondering if I stupid for going to see him because the trip is going to cost me over a hundred dollars. I feel kinda folish for spending so much money to go and see him. So I guess my question is to the girls would you go through so much trouble to see a guy?

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If he was willing to do the same for me yes.


I dated someone who had to go away for a few months for work, only a few weeks into relationship. Each weekend one of us would make the 8-9 hour journey by bus or car to see one another for weekend. But we'd trade off. If we had something together I would not even think about it.


Which guy is this?

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yeah yeah i no this is a question for the girls..but couldnt resist...

i have just got into a relation ship with this girl since a week or two now..it was the other way round for me..i traveeled 4 hrs to her place..she was really happy about that...we had fun together..i culd c it that she was happy..thought i wuld share my experience..u shld go ahead and visit him..i bet he will be really happy about it..

*leaves the topic and goes to antoher thread*

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Oh I see your point. I just have a reminder, if it's going to bug you ( the money, the time) then don't do it.


If you do do it and the relationship doesn't work out, then just accept as a learning experience rather then resenting it--or him... you did have a choice after all. Well, that's what I would tell myself.


And if it does work out, then it was an investment...right?

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Dont think much..just go..after all he wants u to c his place rite..only thing am worried about is..ur doing wat ur friends telling u to do...dont u find that stupid..in future u wont be able to do ne thing without their help..maybe..maybe not..just think of it!...next time...think for urself..

and yeah...Good luck Have fun..one again

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