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Hello, I am 15 years old, Im from Cali, and I need some help. Me and my boyfriend of 11 moths broke up about 3 months ago, he no longer loves me and doesnt care about me any more. He is a total jerk and blows me off constantly. I love him with all my heart, but thats not the reason I'm writing. ever since then, my perfect life has been crashing down. My grades have slipped, I am no longer happy, I cant do the things I used to love. All the gusy I have met have been total jerks, and I am extremly lonely. I feel so hurt that he could move onw ith out me, and I am the one that is suffering. Please help me!!


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i live in cali and i am also 15.... i know just how you feel my boyfriend that was going out with for a while all of a sudden broke up with me , i really cared about him and really like him, he would always tell me how much he liked me and told me he would never break up with me and and was devistated.. i didnt know what to do, i felt as if i swallowed my heart whole and could not breath i felt as if i couldnt move on but, as time went by i got new friends and they helped me get through it.. what you need now is ur friends and not a boyfriend, if guys are being a$$'s dont bather with them..... that is my advice i hope i helped...

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This may sound a cliché, but it's true: when we are down we tend to attract only bad luck.

I know this is hard, specially at your age, but remember, you have so much to live… enjoy your life, go out with friends, have some fun… and most of all, smile… you'll see: things will start working again.


Good luck

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It is understandable how you feel. 11 months is a long time.


I think the reason your grades are slipping and all other guys seem like asses is because you are in the mindset of "having lost them man I love". It would be good to go hang out with friends and try to have fun, but this alone isn't going to make things better. You have to accept the breakup and move on. I know that many girls have a tendency to hate the guy as a way of getting over him, thinking he's a jerk for breaking your heart, and just throwing him to the back of your mind. What you need to do is shelve him, not throw him. Understand that if he broke up with you he must have had his reasons, even if they made you upset; believe it or not, he didn't do it just to make you sad. Also, if it really had been true love between you, he wouldn't have broke up with you anyway. He's not your dream guy if he ran off.


In short: he felt that he needed to leave you in order to find his happiness. Now you must move on and concentrate on finding yours. I know I'm a guy, but we're not all evil, I swear! I'm just trying to help!

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