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I need advise, bad


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Ok, so there is this girl that I am really good friends with, really good friends. Problem is that I used to like her, but because of circumstances i never got an early chance to make my move, then one of my best friends started to go out with her and it went on for like a year, so those feelings faded. Now me and her began to get even closer, but at the same time those feelings returned. I dont know what i should do! any advice?

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Ask her out. It should be easy since you're good friends. Something you may need to watch for is the "But it'd ruin our friendship we share!" "I think things would be weird between us if I made that choice" "But you're like a brother to me!" all those lines are crap. They all mean she isn't interested, so if she isn't life goes on man.



(If she isn't interested):

If you have a hard time getting over her if that happens, meet some girls and focus on girls you could have a potential relationship with. Hell, if one of them starts to like you that should boost your self-esteem greatly and kick out the **** feelings from the girl you originally liked but that's if that happens though lol.

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this is basically a PM i sent someone, but it tells the entire story, if you make it to the end and help me i will really appreciate it.


i was tired and didnt want to write out the entire story earlier, so just summarized it. Please be patient with my story, lol, i could really use some perspective.


Ok, it all started at the very end of 8th grade, we are now juniors in high school. I didnt not meet her until i was introduced to her by her new boyfriend, one of my best friends. I found her atractive, but i wasnt going to make a move. But soon enough we went to high school and they went to different schools, but we ended up in the same one. She had practicaly separated from all of her friends so she would hang out with her sister a lot, and we ended up getting to know each other better.


Problem back then was that my friend and her never legitimately broke up, they just stopped talking, but i didnt know this. In her mind she was single again, but i didnt know what was going on. I had by now introduced her to some of my friends, and an even better friend of mine asked her out, and she agreed. It wasnt something to spite me or anything, he really is a good friend. That is why i had to wait, again. This time, however, their relationship went on for a long time, ages it seemed. So when they did break up all my feelings had basically faded. It was now the end of freshmen year.


Sophomore year i gained interest in another girl, but it all basically went down the drain. But this year i didnt really have feelings for anyone, and that special girl and I were getting closer than ever as friends.


Now this year rolls around, and me and my friend all of a sudden know basically everything about each other. Those old feelings are returning and i dont know what to do. She likes this other guy, but he basically said no to her already. I just dont know what to do, or how to do it.


One thing is that she is not the avarege girl, and i dont mean that in a "she is special way". She is more like me, she is not a girly girl, she is actually basically the oposite of that. You can basically just think of anything a really girly girl is stereotyped to be, and then just think of the exact opposite and you got who she is.


One request though, i do not want to change myself for her, though the gym would help, lol. I am about as close to her type as i can get, if anything my hair is too combed, lol. I cant exactly take time away for her, since i have her in class every other day for 4 and a half hours straight. Can you help? I know it is really long, lol. Thanx if you made it this far.

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