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Help!! Confused


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This girl found out that I liked her and now shes all quite and shy but hasnt told me she doesnt like me. Her friend which is also my friend told me she likes me but theirs this college guy in the way(that I think she wants to be with). When I told her I liked her I told her I was tired of all the weird, quite, and shyness between us. What does her being shy when she knows I like her mean? Anyway I think it got worse since I told her this weekend on the net that I liked her and monday(today) we didnt talk at all. she knew I liked her(before she found out before I felt the need to tell her. She wasnt really shy before I liked her. Now I can't talk to her either.


So basically were like shy around each other. I think why im shy is because I don't know if she likes me or not; meaning should I talk and act like I like her or act like I don't like her. I think this thought keeps me from talking. Maybe her said of the silence too??


I think I need to flirt with her. She knows I dont flirt so how can I slowly change into a flirty person with out being umm to "aggressive" but still improving and stuff?

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17 year old, High school...Since its this way she also has a hard time making eye contact with me... can't maintain eye contact i guess...


She sends so many mix signals but her friend said she would be probably be going out with me if the college man was out of the way.

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come on some help me!!!


update so far...With the help of other ppl I know and ect... I got to the conclusion that she wants to keep her relation ship open just in case college boy asks her out, So, really Im her second choise if it doesnt happen or fails with him. How should I react to this? I was really unhappy at first but its just going to take time I believe. What do you guys think about me being on the "back burner"??


I like her I dont mine to much being second. I don't want to run just because im not first. Yea, im alittle jealous but not much you can do but have paients right?

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come on some help me!!!


update so far...With the help of other ppl I know and ect... I got to the conclusion that she wants to keep her relation ship open just incase college boy asks her out so really Im here second choise if it doesnt happen or fails with him. How should I react to this? and What do you guys think about me being on the "back burner"??


I like her I dont mine to much being second. I don't want to run just because im not first. Yea, im alittle jealous but not much you can do but have paients right?




She's not that into you, to use an overused expression.


Wouldn't you prefer to have a gf who had you as number one? This girl, if she 'settles' for you as a bf, will always have her eyes open seeing if there is someone better. I would recommend against having a relationship with her. Painful now, but less painful than it would be down the road, and there are many other girls out there who would be into you, and not as number 2.

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Yea, I totally understand and agree. So, I wont ask her out then would that work? If she every whats to be my bf then shes just going to have to come after me. That would keep her from looking for someone else maybe, you think??

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Thanks, appreciate it!!!


I ve been reading up on stuff like "by Swinggcat - Real World Seduction" Its not really about Seduction but why guys attract girls and how they do it and all their traits and what you can change to get better; even though most of its for "picking up women". He Talks about prizing. Think Ill try it; have to start some where. Dont want you to think im trying to manipulate but working on changing my bad habits or attributes of me that I dont have and getting good ones. Like if I were really shy you would want to change that with practice talking and going out. Like driving, you only get better with practice or riding a bike at first for that matter.


See the problem with moving on is. That I see her everyday and I sit next to her at least 2 periods a day and have her in my PE class. Im patient; if someone else comes along ill go for it but for now I ll try and Prize myself in her eyes.

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