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He likes her....I like him...ALOT

Piinky SweaR

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Well to make a long story short : there is this guy that i've liked for a while now , and I recently told him that i like him. Seems like theres a girl he feels the exact same way about. Turns out that she likes him though and they are gonna go out anytime now. He told me that he brought her to church everyone told them how pretty she was. Now im so jealous because I feel like im never going to be as good as her to get him. So right now i dont know what to do..we are good friends but hes so attractive, sweet , nice everythinggg i want to be more!! I dont know what to do now.. he always talks about her and i end up going to bed feeling so sad and deppresed..


Has anyone ever been through something like thiss??? How did you cope??anyy tips on how to deal with this would be greatt thanks in advance

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you shouldnt be jealous, but i know you will. because im sure you have alot ot offer someone. just remember we perceive some people as perfect and we get jealous of them when we dont know their story. like i used be a very jealous person over my best frined she always had money and blah blah blah always acted like she was better and snooty. come to find out one day i was upset and tlaking to her and she told me i had no reson to be upset bc i had everything and that she has always been jealous of me. so just remember thing are not always as good as they seem from others view either. just tell him you are happy go find another crush and when he brings her up change the subject.... destiny is destiny and whatever is meant to be will be. jealousy will not change that.

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