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Missed Your soulmate???

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Is that even possible? Say you meet ppl and hit it off but it never turns into a relationship or you move away or lose contact? Or maybe you wanted to ask someone out and never did, now you could kick yourself? Maybe that could've been your soulmate and you just missed out...Is that at all possible? If someone is ur soulmate arent you just meant to be? And no matter what you will find them? I just dont understand this whole soulmate mess.

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As romantic as I am, I believe that we shouldn't worry about meeting or missing out on our destiny when it comes to love. If there is such a thing as a soulmate and you meet the 'one', I strongly believe you'll know as the serendipity of meeting someone you'll inexplicably connect with on so many levels would have to be amazing and undeniable. But even if you meet such an individual, you both still have free will and may or may not end up together. So rather than ask if soulmates exist, it would seem that a more valuable and worthwhile investment of your time would be to try and find others you might share a deeper sense of connection with on emotional and spiritual levels. Seek the higher ground and whatever you find is bound to be more fulfilling and gratifying in the end.

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I don't know about soulmate, but there are certainly people I used to know, even just close friends, that I've lost touch with, and I still think about them and miss them sometimes.


As to relationships, it's a sad fact that many people do lose the person that, with the benefit of hindsight will turn out to have been the person they felt the strongest connection with. It's inevitable, unless somehow the last person we're ever with is the best one, which is true in many cases, but clearly not *every* time.


All this does is serve to remind us how important it is hold onto those people that we know are dear to us at the time.

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Personally, I believe very highly in fate. I believe if someone is meant to be with you, they will find their way to you, or back to you as the case may be.


I really believe there is someone for each of us. We may not recognize it immediately, but suddenly, the stars are aligned, things are as they should be, and BAM! There the person is we've been waiting for.


Trust me, when the right person comes along, you'll know.

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sorry but I think there are no such thing called soulmates,soulmates is just something that created by someone who afraid of something that is called lonely...


we decided ourself is someone is fits enough to be our friend,we try our best if we want someone to be our friend, it is our choices to contact/not our friend that has been moved from our lives.


someone must write their own destiny...

create their own paths...

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Unfortunately, most of the time you recognise someone as 'the one', they don't recognise you, and you can't be expected to give up your entire life and wait for them whilst they are having fun with someone who treats them like dirt.

That's an unfortunate bad experience.


Of course it's possible that you missed what could have been the love of your life.

It's a sort of 'fate'.


There isn't just 'one' person out there for you. There are many many many people that you could be happy with.

It's who you find - what you do with that and how it turns out.

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That's an unfortunate bad experience.


Of course it's possible that you missed what could have been the love of your life.

It's a sort of 'fate'.


There isn't just 'one' person out there for you. There are many many many people that you could be happy with.

It's who you find - what you do with that and how it turns out.


I know it might sound cliched, but when you encounter someone so infectious, so utterly like yourself, someone that you'd never thought you'd find... But then realise you're never going to be with them - you try and think about finding someone else... But you realise that you'll only ever find a poor shadow of the person, and it's better to be alone than to try and find what you saw in them in someone else...

Sometimes, I admit, depression and despair can make you think you'll never find someone else even 1% as good as them ever again... You won't find another them, but you'll find someone else...

The trouble is, there comes a time when you can't bear the pain of laying your soul out anymore, because the unchanging experience of failure and rejection is so utterly and permanently ingrained into your heart and soul, there is no energy or spirit left - and life loses any meaning for you (me)...

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The concept of only one person being your soulmate is hogwash. Although there may very well be one person in the world who is the most compatible with you in the whole world, there should be several that are as close to being your soulmate as you could want.


There are plenty of valid reasons for you to end a relationship with someone. Not being your soulmate isn't one of them.

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I know what you're talking about. No matter how much I try to look for someone else I start to think about this girl that I met. And I think it's not fair to date some one when I can't stop thinking about her. I had never felt as comfortable being myself as I did when I was around her. We had some sort of connection there that I had never had with some one. We were so alike I didn't think it was possible that another person would be so similar to me. I always regret one particular day when I feel I should have asked her out, probably because she felt the same way. Unfortunately I was too afraid because I have had a bad history of asking people out it's like I'm a cursed when I even think about asking some one out.


One girl didn't talk to me for half a year after I asked her if she wanted to go see a movie, another had a prom date literally minutes before I asked her, the list goes on…


But anyway some guy who I think is a jerk and some of my friends even say she deserves better. It just rips my heart every time something jogs my memory of her. I always start wondering why and I think some things wrong with me I haven't even dated this girl so how can such a thing drive me so crazy?


So to answer the basic question here, yes I do think it's possible to miss your soul mate, for some reason things don't work out and some thing went wrong the planets instead of aligning collided and crashed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Personally, I believe very highly in fate. I believe if someone is meant to be with you, they will find their way to you, or back to you as the case may be.


I really believe there is someone for each of us. We may not recognize it immediately, but suddenly, the stars are aligned, things are as they should be, and BAM! There the person is we've been waiting for.


Trust me, when the right person comes along, you'll know.



Hmmmm, I thought I found mine, but then she left me because or religions were not compatable. So if we are truly meant to be we will both someone magically just become compatable? I dunno, I used to believe this, but the more I get older "21 now", and the more I experience life, the more less likely,and the more I don't believe in fate in relationships.

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