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You love on the internet, but what about once you meet?

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I want to get a girlfriend, and I am online most of the time, so I I thought maybe I could meet one by the internet.


But here is my problem.


I am not the best looking guy. I consider myself below average, and I am tall (6'3) and skinny.


This kinds of makes me scared they will let me go once they meet me in person.


I only had 1 gf in my life, for 1 year, but she left me for someone else.


Most people I talk to Online says I am very funny and nice, that I have a great personality. I act just as I would act in real life , online.


However, what if a girl says she wants to love me, we get serious online (i want a SERIOUS releationship , hopefully Mariage!) but once she meets me and sees how I look, what if she backs up? That scares me to death.


No girls really came to me, I had to go to my ex gf, and I dont even think she loved me.


So I am asking you girls, if you love someone online, meet them in rl and he is ugly, would you keep going or back off?

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That is why you shouldn't start talking about love or marriage until you actually MEET a person in person! Use the internet to meet single girls, chat for a few weeks, and then meet in person, before you start talking about anything serious.


How can you really love someone until you've met them?


It is also good to include a photo. If they are not interested, they'll stop e-mailing, then you will have your answer. If they keep e-mailing, then meet them in person. It is important to move the relationship off-line and into real life as soon as possible. Otherwise, who knows? You may be talking to a 60 year old grandpa who is pretending to be a 20 year old girl!

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A quick look at people around you who are married or in long-term relationships will show that people have a very wide variety of tastes when it comes to what they consider attractive, and although you may think you're not good-looking, you'd be amazed how many people will tell you that *are* attractive to them.


If you think your personality is your best asset, then finding someone online is actually a smart thing to do, because they will get to know you to some extent, and like you, before physical appearance comes into play. In other words, you can get a chance to show them your better side that you might not get in real life. Once someone likes you, you'll find they're a lot more tolerant towards looks, in what they consider attractive.


After you have initially got to know someone online, and if there is mutual attraction of personality, exchanging photos is definitely a good idea. In a sense, it's an intermediate stage between not being seen at all, and being seen in real life, because with a photo you still get the opportunity to present yourself at your best. If at that point she isn't interested, it will be pretty obvious, and that's the time to agree to be friends and look elsewhere for romance. There's a good chance, though, that she will be interested, and you'll feel a lot better for having got that stage over with, and it certainly needs to be done before meeting in person in my view. And you get to satiate your curiosity of what the other person looks like. Webcams are a good stage after that as well, which also allows you to verify that the person you're talking to is really who/what they say they are.


Good luck with it.

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Two thoughts.


First, be up front about your appearance early on. Share photos early on. Do not hide it, or be ashamed of it, or keep it under the rug. Get it out on the table early on and that will avoid the problem you're considering here.


Second, unless you have totally lied about your appearance and/or sent inaccurate pictures, if you get past that and you're still getting along, you're in good shape from the perspective of the issue you're raising. You should meet them in real life sooner rather than later, as Annie recommends, but if they know how you look accurately, your real life appearance won't be an issue.


I met my current BF online and we corresponded and talked on the phone for like 6 months before I met him. We knew how each other looked, we'd shared pictures, and when we met it wasn't a case of disappointment, but simply one of lovely completion. It can work well, but it works best if you're up front about everything earlier rather than later, talk on the phone as well as on the internet, and try to meet sooner rather than later (to make sure you're not speaking with an impostor).


Good luck!

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Well, I'm in a cyber relationship. My cbf had planned to fly me out to cali and marry me once I turned 18. I haven't read most of the other posts, so I hope I don't repeat anything they already said. I met mine on link removed so that may be a good place for you to meet someone. But be warned. IT IS A VIRTUAL GAME WITH LIVE PLAY, AND THERE WILL BE PEOPLE WHO WANT A RSBF(RUNE SCAPE BOY FRIEND) OR A RSGF, NOT A REAL ONE. Find someone you like, get to know her. Wait a while, then talk about sending pics, work ur way up to meeting, start real dating, then, if you like her, seriouse relationship. This will take alot of time of course. But as for your question, no. I wouldn't back out. I know his personality and that is all that matters to me. if your girl does that, she is just cheap. There is no reason for someone to act like that for a sweet guy like you. Well, I don't know you, but you sound as if you act a lot like me. lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My boyfriend and I loved each other before we met in person. But that is because we had been talking with webcams and microphones online for over half a year before we met. It really helps in getting to know the other person. You know what they look like and sound like before you even meet them. I recommend you get these (they are not very expensive). It will definitely help your nerves when it's time to actually meet. I hope I helped!

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