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ok here is the problem. my group of close friends consists of 5 guys and a 2 girls. one of the girls has just moved away to uni. i love the girl that is left but the rest of my friends dont like her.


a few days ago she had an operation and none of themn have been to see her or even sent her a txt. even when i offer to take and bring people back thay avoid going.


she seems to have noticed this but is at home for another week. when she comes back i really dont know what is goiong to happen. i think its pretty obvious they dont like her anymore and she has already told me she might not bother hanging round with us when she feels better.


i find it really hard to make new friends and i would quite happilly follow her and make friends with a new group of people but we are only going to see eachother for another year befor the rest of us go to uni.


finall point even tho i love her the feeling is not mutual. this didnt really bother me i was happy loving and doing things for her without anyting in return. but if im to leave my friends is it really worth it.


i wanna stay with her but if she does stop hanging around with my friends then i dont wanna have to choose between them.


any ideas as to what i can do

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its not just her its actually my friends that seem to be the problem. recently one of them has been making no effort to even be polite to her and the rest are beginning to follow suit. none of them have sent her a single txt when she was in hospital for 3 days. so i can see why she wouldnt want to hang around them anymore.

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