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Did the crush I have on my friend turn into love?

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Me and this girl have been best friends for 5 years. Last year I started to like her. But now I think it may have turned into love. She is the first thought in my mind when I wake up and my last thought at night before I go to sleep. I dream about her more often now then I did last year and whenever I'm in a bad mood or feel down or depressed. Just seeing her beautiful face and her smile, it just makes me feel better all of the sudden.


She knows I like her. But could my like have turned into love?

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Possibly. But what does labelling your feelings achieve?


What's the chances of you two getting together?


I'm not trying to label my feelings. I am just trying to find out if I am truly in love with her. I feel that I am very much in love with her.


Chances? Not too sure. I think I might have a pretty good chance. But, of course, there isn't a 100% chance that we would get together.

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