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I have been together with my boyfriend for more than 2 years. Things have been going pretty rough for us right from the start and we do hit bumps along the way in our relationship. We had also had sex and it was his first time as well as mine, Because we lived together for quite some time. I trusted him and he told me i was the one for him and so did i think so


Right now, he has initiated break up with me and my whole world has crumbled. He said he wanted a breather. I guess because after sex, my attachment to him grew and started to get edgy with him at times. I would say insecure. And at the same time, we experienced a long distance relationship for like 6 months. He has now found someone else. He claims that it was only just after the break up.


How can someone whom i have shared so much with, just walk away like that? Why is he so heartless? We are both religious people and it was not easy on us to share and have sex so often, but because i really believed he was the one. How can he just do this to me? Could anyone help? Why did he just turn away? doesn't he know how horrible it is to do something like this to someone? doesn't he have a heart? We both shared so much together. Maybe i did restrict a bit of his freedom.. but i was just so scared to lose him.


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You need to realize that your ex is not that perfect individual that you condidered him to be. Everyone has thier faults and with him he must have realized that contining a relationship was probably not the proper thing to do anymore. If your ex does not have the strong emotional attachment that he once did, it wouldn't be right of him to stay in the relationship........ and as much as it hurts, he did the right thing. It's better that he let go earlier rather than dragging the relationship on longer and allowing you to get more attached. It just comes down to the fact that you can't force someone to love you, and with that you need to stop wondering why and just let go. You keep asking questions like Why or How, but really I think you know the answers to all your questions. No answer can justify why he left or how he could do this to you. The answer is plain and simple, he had doubts about the relationship (and from your post it seems like you did as well), and once there are doubts a relationship becomes weak and very capable of falling apart. I'm sorry to sound harsh but I want you to see the reality of the situtation, rather than try to get answers that will suffice for your ex's wrongs. He isn't the one for you and now it's time to move on and find the person who will treat you the way you deserve to be treated

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  • 4 weeks later...

let me just say that i've been down that road so many times...unfortunately, i have ended up without all of those men that said, ''i love you so much" and blah blah blah. well it doesn't mean a whole lot, the i love you thing if they aren't with you,does it? rather than give yourself away again (as i have many times), seek to find someone to marry that way you don't have to deal with this immense, psyche-wrecking pain. in this day and age, that sounds extreme, but you said you were religious, so i assume you are a christian. men don't care much when they get you, that's why they invented marriage to keep them anchored down. of course you will love each other, but the person will not just walk away. ask yourself what you mean to this man. did he make promises or were they hollow promises? get yourself a real commitment and steer clear of this in the future. always make sure you know whether or not they are going to commit or then you start counting on your toes like i have. my love life has been terrible for my lack of discretion...watch out, you're young, don't wreck your self-esteem.


you have hope...there are so many men out there...it's just hard finding the good ones!

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